
Why does a driver when he wins a race act like they just won the super bowl?

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Why does a driver when he wins a race act like they just won the super bowl?




  1. Because its NASCAR!  That is just the way it is.

  2. Excitement + Joy + Pride + all the happy feelings = acting like winning a superbowl

  3. I understand that winning races is super difficult and I dont mind them being overjoyed but it would be nice to occasionally see an athlete act like they've been there before.  Post race celebrations have become so predictable.

  4. Hey this is daredevil . I'm closing daredevil and opening as sandy.

    Kandace, this is in reply to your message - But every week? Maybe baseball pitchers should do the same thing after every win? -.

    They feel happy after winning coz after all their hard work they put and after all the stress  they undergo during the race, they like to express their happiness. Ya but sometimes they can control themselves and react a little more mature

  5. ever see the movie last man standing?

    well thats nascar you have 43 drivers to beat out and if you do that,you have the right to celebrate

    anyway you'v made it to the top.

    you put the others in your back pocket, and never looked back,football or baseball you have a team to help you,in racing you are by your self,

    got it?

  6. Because he just spent 3 or 4 hours driving his @ss off beatin' and bangin', racin' and rubbin' and stressing over strategy while sweating to death.  He probably lost 5-10lbs,  worked his muscles to exhaustion up on that steering wheel, and maneuvered his car in and out of a pack of 43 cars going upwards of 200mph to get to the front without wrecking himself and avoiding wrecks and mistakes all around him.  He DID just win the Superbowl.  His own personal Superbowl that he competes for each week!  When he takes that checkered flag, he has every right to CELEBRATE!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  7. Are you serious? Maybe cuz they could be that much closer to winning the sprint cup, or maybe cuz they just won a s*it load of money, or maybe even cuz they now have bragging rights!!


  8. In a football game you win or you lose. It's a 1 in 2 chance. Where as in NASCAR, it's a 1 in 43 chance. Ten four, it's A LOT harder to win a race than it is to win a football game. And they don't act like they won the superbowl they just spray each other with beer and soda and cheer. It's a lot cooler than watching g*y men in tight suits high five each other.

  9. Winning in NASCAR is extrememly difficult. There is so much going on behind the scenes that many people don't realize that affect how the car performs each and every week.

    From the team at the shop who built the car, to engineers conducting wind tunnel tests, to the guys behind the pits examining tires everytime they are changed for patterns in wear, to the pit crew, to the crew chief (who has countless numbers of difficult calls every race) to the driver, to potential equipment failures which you don't have a lot of control over.

    So winning a race is quite the accomplishment, not only that, some races are very prestigious... and are like winning a championship!

    Daytona 500 - The inagural race of the year that takes 2 pre-races just to qualify (top 35 points are in, but many times 15 cars battle for 8 of the remaining spots!)... in NASCAR, the Daytona 500 is like the superbowl... the winning driver is considered a "Daytona 500 Champion"

    Brickyard 500 at Indianapolis - Indy is quite the historic track and winning at Indy is considered very special.

    Also, winning a race gets you 5 point bonus in "The Chase" which is NASCAR's playoffs.

    Bottom line, winning a race in NASCAR is something very special... every victory took literally years of data, car tweaking and team experience.

    Consider the fact that every track is totally different as far as setups and driving style too...

    Phew! Hope this helps!

  10. different goals for different sports

    american football -> super bowl

    cricket -> world cup

    foot ball -> world cup

    driver -> drivers championship

    that means there at the top of their sport.

  11. Becuase he is the best driver with the best car on that given day and they never know if that might be the last time they ever win so they like to enjoy it. Plus most ppl in the crowd enjoy watching a burnout and seeing that true emotion coming from that particular driver. I know I enjoy watching the celebrations. Go Junior 88 win the Coke zero 400.

  12. In football, there is 1 winner and 1 loser.

    In racing, there is 1 winner and 42 losers.  It is much harder to win a race than it is to win a football game!  Plus, in racing you have to overcome other obstacles (mechanical) that you have no control over.

    Plus, they are competitors.  Winning is their job and it is a huge adrenaline rush.

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