
Why does a flat waterpolo ball skip better?

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I posted this in physics this morning. This question is just looking for a qualitative answer, so maybe I'll get one here.

Some waterpolo players I have known like to skip their shots off the water. (This usually makes the shot easier for the goalie to block, but that's beside the point of my question). These players figured out that if they sneak in before a game and let some air out of the game balls, their shots bounce much livelier off the surface.

So why does a flatter ball bounce better?

I suspect it may have to do with surface tension--the harder ball penetrates the surface more, the softer ball flattens out and skips off.

Does anyone here know a physics-ish answer or have a link to any clue?

17 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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15 minutes ago

Cross-posted in physics




  1. well  the ball is spinning after it is hit and that causes it to skip across the water. Its kind of like when you skip a flat stone on the like the rock cannot penetrates the water so it once it hits the surface it wants to keep going.

    it's also like a tennis ball the more spin the faster it goes once it lands on the court the.

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