
Why does a gallon of milk cost more than a gallon of gas?

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Our country goes to war over gasoline, yet a gallon of milk will never fall below that of gas. People die in war over gasoline! I just don't get it.




  1. Oil is a finite resource protected by US Military.

    Milk is a renewable resource.

    Industry and commuters need oil to survive.

    People can choose to drink or not to drink milk.

    Milk is $3.79 a gallon

    Gasoline will be $4 a gallon by Memorial Day if not sooner.

  2. buyers are willing to pay more for a gallon of milk.  if they raise the price of a gallon of gas to the same price as a gallon of milk and watch what happens.

  3. Because it tastes better.

  4. i dont know where you live but i live in pa and milk has been less than gas per gallon where i live for a couple years

  5. Many factors affect price, including the cost to create, cost to process, cost to store, cost to market and sell, cost to transport, cost to package, and so on.

    The price of a gallon of gas may have a great deal to do with politics, numbers of middlemen, volume sold, etc. The price of a gallon of milk can be affected by weather (production costs), eating habits of society, cost of spoiled product, production method (traditional or organic) and so on.

    The difference in the prices of milk and gas are due to many factors.

  6. Because farmers have crazy cost to cover. It's over $60 an acre just for the seed corn to plant corn excluding fertilizer, spray, fuel, equipment, maintenance,quota. On top of that it goes through milk companies that need to make money. It also doesn't help that their are farms(few) without their own land and therefore they must buy their hay and corn and with high prices on both you must demand a higher price. All the little things add up. You have to dairy farm for 30 years(give or take) to pay off the quota.

  7. thts cuz bush is stupid.

    oprah should be president.

  8. I know it is crazy right. Gas where I live is 2.88gal and milk is 4.72 a gal. Oh well guess we will just deal.

  9. because milk is holy and pure just like my cow friends and gas is bought in bulk unliike milk and water

  10. Milk comes from Cows teats

    Cows eat hay and grain

    hay and grain requires a tractor to cut

    Tractors run off of petrolium products

    Price of milk goes up because the price of hay and grain goes up due to the increase in petrolium prices.

  11. Wouldn't having the reports of mad cow diease effect price as well,because usualy when there is an outbreak linked to a farm or certain location they pretty much take out most the live stock to insure its no longer a threat?Unless there are certian farms bred cows specifically for meat,  and others specificaly for milk.

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