
Why does a guy usually need to be so socially inclined or astute in order to date or attract attractive girls?

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Nikki -"because theyre usually the ones who have something to say, making them interesting"

Nikki says that usually only the popular or socially inclined guys are interesting.




  1. Not in all cases... but if a female knows she can take her pick of men due to her "allurability," it makes sense she'd go for guys with lots of $$$, or status, or whatever it is she would like to share in....  

  2. because theyre usually the ones who have something to say, making them interesting

  3. ever heard of being out of someone's league? stay in your league, there you go.  

  4. It's the other side of the double standard women like to repeat constantly: about how women are expected to not sleep or date around as often compared to men? The other side to that is men are expected to be experienced. It is not considered masculine if a man only has a few sexual conquests, turns down s*x from a woman, or hasn't dated many women.

    As much as men get accused of being superficial and women are supposed to be the complete opposite, there are many women who leave and cheat on their mates because the s*x isn't what they want it to be, their mates p***s is too small, etc. Many of these women do not communicate that. Men are supposed to be experienced and automagically know what their girlfriends/wives like.  

  5. Because alot of the really "hot" women know they are hot and could have pretty much any guy they want, and those are the guys they go for.  

  6. Water seeks its own level.

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