
Why does a man "who will not be silenced" block anyone who disagrees with him from his questions?

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Why does a man "who will not be silenced" block anyone who disagrees with him from his questions?




  1. There are two reasons he blocks people:

    1. He thinks that people that believe in AGW are out to get him.

    2. He doesn't want to hear the information that disagrees with his world view.

    He's admitted to the first reason and the second is pretty obvious.

  2. What's that old saying?  Two can play that game?

  3. Personally, it would be sort of like someone telling me I wouldn't be allowed to see a Pauly Shore movie.  On a fundamental level, I know I should be offended that I should be free to see anything I want.  However, in practical terms, there would be no way I would ever actually want to see a Pauly Shore movie so being banned from attending is completely irrelevant.  Furthermore, my attendance or non-attendance of a Pauly Shore movie in no way affects the fact that the movie stinks, and that people who are allowed to go, and in fact do voluntarily attend, have what are likely very low standards in terms of personal entertainment.  

    Not that I am saying a lot of questions here are the intellectual equivalent of a Pauly Shore movie.  I wouldn't do that.  That would be wrong.

  4. He's probably sick of hearing your immature answers.

  5. Bob I would say it is most likely from certain AGW promoters that I am yet unable to identify reporting him for abuse when making honest and informative answers and posting inquiring question that are much more legitimate than this current one of yours. I recently posed a question like this to which you were one of the responders. This question was reported as in abuse of community guidelines and deleted because some AGW promoters were offended by the question just as they were by some of my answers honestly trying to be truthfully informative.

    I have been informed by several on your side of the fence that they have been similarly attacked as being abusive of the rules when they feel they were not. So is it somebody trying to start a war of reporting others of being in abuse or are those who faithfully believe in their position taking this action. I personally feel that the abuse button should be a court of last resort for some of the drastically off color statements made that seem to be ignored, I am happy with the thumbs vote and would not use the report button but rarely for extreme offences that no thinking person would tolerate.

    Now do you support or oppose the bully who has a thing for the report button.

    No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.


  6. What I want to know is who's Pauly Shore and is he an AGW doubter too?

    In regards to the question, the answer is simple:

    hypocrite (n) - a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

  7. I don't know, but my guess is that he has heard your opinion several times and doesn't want to hear it anymore. Or you called him bad names.

    Fair enough?

  8. Surprisingly he actually unblocked me recently.  I doubt it will last.  He's not interested in hearing any opinions or scientific evidence contrary to what he wants to believe.  As with most deniers, that's the bottom line.

    *edit* Yep I called it, a couple hours later he's already blocked me again.  That disproves his claim that he's only blocking people to ensure that they don't report him.

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