
Why does a million seconds equal to 12 days but a billion seconds equals 31 years?

by  |  earlier

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I did the math for 31 years but its only 978 million seconds. Almost a billion but not quite.




  1. what area does £1million take and what area doe £1billion take

  2. I know how you're thinking how can the next 'lion' be that much different? Like in counting 1,2,3 etc. but, a billion is 1000 times greater than a million. This means that if it takes about 12 days to get to a million then it will take 1000 times that for a billion, or 12,000 days. Thus giving close to 32 years because 12,000/365 = over 32 years. Yet when you go more exact it'll come between 31 and 32 years ( over 31 less than 32 ) due to leap year and things like that.

  3. a million seconds equal to 12 days because (idk) i dont know i cant  do the math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :O :P :D

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