
Why does a person use e-mail for corresponding? I would prefer to talk in person or at least by phone.?

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This person rarely returns my phone calls. This is not a relationship situation. No, I have not discussed this with them. Just wandering why this is happening.




  1. We are all using email because its easier then show real emotions in person or on the phone. Its a very sad reality.

    Its not always the case but we have become a quick fix society. We have never been so close to others ( cellphones constantly ringing and texting) but in reality so very very far.

  2. i love email, but i love talking on the phone too. the thing i hate is texting. i have text block, and all of my friends have unlimited texting. so they never talk on the phone or email me. i guess it's just because people don't like talking anymore. they just want non-commited friendships/relationships. it sucks.

  3. i like email, sometimes, i'm not in the mood to talk

  4. I HATE to talk on phones and I know many people who preffer to txt or IM... there are always these long awkward pauses on the phone.. and it just gets annoying especially when the person keeps callin you every hour of the day about NOTHING!

  5. I meet many international people at Seminars and regret to this day losing touch with some of them, because there was no e-mail then. And of course, I now have several dear friends across the world, with whom I am in regular touch only thanks to e-mails and chats.

  6. Emailing has become too convenient and it allows people who are shy to become alot more open when its not face to face. We have stepped back instead of closer to others using this medium the way that we do. I use email alot myself but for my close friends I always pick up the phone and I like to hear the persons voice. I think you should tell your friend that you would like to talk person to person. It has nothing to do with age, but courtesy. We have become an instant fix generation.

  7. Is there a generational difference? Most Gen X'ers & Gen Y prefer to use email or text to communicate but Baby Boomers prefer to use phone or face-to-face because they didn't grow up using email or texting to communicate. I notice this difference a lot at the office. Even in your case if there isn't a generational difference this still might explain why. Some people are just more comfortable using email or text over a phone call.

    People that believe this to be only a phenomenon in American society are incorrect. It is the same in developed Asian countries like Japan & Taiwan as well as many places in western Europe. And I would guess those that feel this is a "backward step" in society are most likely from an older generation. I'm sure there were those that had the same criticisms of moving from an agricultural society to an industrialized society.

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