
Why does a quarter pounder mold faster then a big mac?

by Guest57371  |  earlier

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I did this for a science fair project

and my results were that the quarter pounder molded faster than the Big Mac




  1. It doesn' did you determine this?  Did you do a scientific study?  There would be no difference, unless the bun used for one sandwich was older than another.

  2. You just got lucky. Here is another experiment for you to try. Buy a plain hamburger (no mustard, ketchup, onions, or cheese), and put a date on it. In one year from that date, take out of the refrigerator and it will be as fresh as the day you bought it.

  3. The quarter pounder might have fewer preservatives in it. Preservatives are added to food to keep it from molding or going stale as quickly.

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