
Why does a "Shandy" in a pub cost the same as a full pint of ale?

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The Government want you to not drink and drive but offer no encouragement. A two litre bottle of Lemonade will cost you no more than 35p. Yet ask for a pint of "Shandy" (Half beer half lemonade) You are still charged the same as a full pint of ale. . . WHY?

Also why is Organic produce a lot dearer to buy than non-organic? If it is supposed to contain no chemicals etc (which cost money) Then surely it must be cheaper to grow. Whereas the non-organic has money spent on the chemicals to prevent God knows what!




  1. Shandy - It's because of the tax duties paid on alcohol. Sucks I know! As for organic stuff I don't know why it is dearer than regular produce. I don't think any thing is completely organic, short of growing it your self!

  2. 1) Bad business IMO, call them on it.  I sure wouldn't pay full pint price on a shandy/radler.

    2) Organic products tend to be more expensive due to the slight rarity of the products and the ever growing demand for them.  Personally I find a large portion of the organic movement to be full of sh*t because they do try to convince you that all the chemicals used on commercial farms are unhealthy.   Perhaps true but I'll take my chances with the radioactive and chemical laced produce long before you catch me taking my chances with produce raised on parasite and disease laden animal c**p.  Perhaps that's because I'm a microbiologist and not a fear mongering granola.

  3. In many pubs post mix soft drinks are actually more expensive than alcoholic drinks. So you can find that a shandy actually costs more than the beer.  Supply and demand, basically.  

    Organic farming is less intensive than conventional farming, therefore produces less per hectare.  The overhead is the same hence the produce more expensive.

  4. Because that is the way that they make enough dosh to keep open.

    Us non-drinkers have fewer servings than alcoholic peeps.

    Ahh. The Organic vs Inorganic debate.

    The world would starve if it went Organic. Unless we were all happy with a rice/maize gruel each day.

  5. The Barkeeper has too think in order to pour a Shandy. This is worth something including the labour of mixing it.

  6. The tax is negligible compared to the full price of a pint. Compare with retail prices of beer in cans. You are paying for the added value of drinking it in a glass in a pub.

  7. I work in a pub, and do feel bad charging for a full pint when it is a shandy. Unfortunately, it's as expensive as a full pint because you literally have to pay for a half pint of beer, plus half a pint of lemonade (which, as has already been mentioned, if it is draught lemonade rather than bottled is really expensive! I don't know of many bars that would sell you lemonade from a cheap 2 litre bottle - if I went to somewhere like that I'd be more inclined to go for a different drink, or to a different bar :oD )

    As for the organic/natural produce, a particular area of land will yield less if it is organic. Think chickens for example - if people opt for the more natural option of free range, the farmer will fit much fewer chickens in his field and he will probably have to put his prices up accordingly. Another reason organic farming could be more expensive is because more of the organic goods are lost to pests and diseases than the mass that have been treated with chemicals, and so the total yield is less.

  8. coz life is stupid like that

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