
Why does a red rose look red?

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Why does a red rose look red?




  1. because it IS red


  3. White light is made up of all the colours of the rainbow, including red. A red object, such as a rose, absorbs all the colours with the exception of red. The red is reflected back into your eye. Flowers advertise to passing bugs using shiny colours such as red ;)

  4. I asked myself, self why are you, your self???? And the answer is.............................. to be cont'd

  5. Because of the elements that make the flower.

  6. Because that is how we perceive it.

  7. The colour of the petals of any flower is due to the presence of the pigments in the cells of the petals. Anthocyanins, xanthophylls or caroteinoides are the names of some of these pigments. They are present in different proportions in the cells which gives different shades of colours to different plants. The colours depend upon the pH of the cytoplasm also. The red colour is due to the anthocyanins which are dominant in proportion.  

  8. Becaues, petals of rose contain certain pigments called anthocyanins. A complex of different anthocyanins give the flower coluration. Any change in biosynthetic pathway of these anthocyanins cause the change/alteration in colour of flower. Now a days, with the help pf genetic engineering, only promoters of the genes of anthocyanins are mutated and get flowers of various colours. these flowers are of significant in Horticultural industry -Cutflower industry.

    pH of the solution in which these anthocyanins were present also affect the colour of the flower

    Secondly, these anthocyanins has certain chemical characteristics that reflet different wavelengths of light. Mixture of different wavelengths of reflected light give a specific colour to the flower Red, Dark red, pinkish red, crimson red, black red, yelowish red etc.

    Source: How genes paint the flowers. 1999. Trends in Plant Sciences

    with regards

    Habib Athar

  9. probably the same reason rhudolph's nose looks red???

  10. The light that bounces of of its surface is of the red spectrum.

  11. it's just the way the rods and cones in our eyes perceive colors and shades. The reason things look a certain color is because all colors except for the one it appears are absorbed. We see a rose being red, because red is the only color reflected back. Just a trick of light.

  12. because all the other colors except red gets absorbed by the rose. Red color doesn't get absorbed for the red rose, instead, it gets reflected, so you see a red rose!

    Black, however, absorbs every color, that's why it's black :D

    i learned this in my astronomy class :)

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