
Why does a tennis ball have fuz?

by Guest60455  |  earlier

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Why does a tennis ball have fuz?




  1. haha i love that first answer :) I think tennis ball fuz is nice!!

  2. Because it can't shave.

  3. Bounce would be too high and ball speed would be dizzying and impossible to play if the balls are bald

  4. It helps to have a better grip on the strings. If it were smooth then it would tend to slide more off of the strings.

        With the hairs/fuzz they tend to stay on the strings longer which gives you more control of the speed and direction of the ball.

  5. because it's just starting to hit puberty

  6. Similar to the dimples in golf balls, the fuzz "grabs" the air making the ball go farther. Surprisingly it is more effective that way than smooth since the ball is rotating and not traveling straight forward where you would want a smooth surface. Also it may help with the ability of the player to put different types of spin on the ball by hitting it with the racket at different angles, the fuzz provides a little more grip than a smooth ball.

  7. to soften the impact so the ball doesnt break.

  8. It's whole purpose is to create drag.  It sounds backwards, but drag is basically air resistance that slows the ball down.  It's not there so that the ball will go further, but so that you can control it.  If the ball were perfectly smooth, adding spin would be pointless.  With the roughed up (in the case fuzzy) surface, the ball will actually curve pretty dramatically with spin.

  9. why dont your balls have fuz?

  10. The fuzz allows the ball to grab air, therefore spin has more effect.  But you say that baseballs don't have fuzz.  Well, they are being hit with different materials and the bounce off of the surface matters less.  

    Fuzz also is a wear surface.  If you made the balls out of leather, they would be tough, but they wouldn't bounce well.  Make them out of rubber, and they probably pop easily.  So make them out of rubber, cover them with fuzz, and they grab the strings, the ground, the air, and they don't break as easily.

    At least that's what makes sense to me.

  11. Friction .......makes the ball curve.....also makes the ball last longer ......a rubber ball hitting concrete as often and as hard as a tennis ball would spring a leak alot quicker.

  12. because if someone hits it forcefully, the little hairs grab onto the wind to slow it down just a little so that it won't be a weapon.

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