
Why does a three year old bite his shirt and tug at it?

by  |  earlier

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MY son bites his shirt and then tugs at it. He does not have any cavities and no cuts or anything like that in his mouth. When i ask him why he does it he says his mouth hurts but then i ask him if he has a hurt in his mouth he says no and that he is ok but continues to do it. He has no one around that ive seen that he could have picked it up from. And he also does not put any other clothing articles in his mouth or any other objects in his mouth. Any advice or suggestions from any parent would be great. Thanks!




  1. Heck! I still do that and there ain't nothing wrong my mouth! I do it when i'm bored. Maybe he does it cause it feels good, that's another reason i do it...

    hope this helps

  2. my son does the same thing he getting more teeth in and he only 2 years old.

  3. It sounds like a type of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) might want to make an appointment with his Pediatrician and mention it to him...try to keep a record of when he does it and for how long (ask yourself if it is triggered by a stressful situation, etc.,) might just be nothing and something he picked up that has become habitual and will go away of luck to you!

  4. Kids somtimes are difficult. Just take him to the doctor and get it checked out. If nothing is wrong its probly just a habbit.

  5. my god son does the same thing my best friend (his mom) has had a hard time understanding why he does it too she has asked him why and he has just say he likes to or he doesn't know and he is the same age. it's probably just a phase or a habit that he can't control just tell him not to chew his clothes he will grow out of it

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