
Why does a used game still cost alot like 40 dollars?

by  |  earlier

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i went to go in and trade my games yesterday at gamestop bcuz they didnt have the call of duty 4 at gamecrazy. Well my point is, Why does the game still cost so much like 40 bucks and its a used one?

there was 2 cds i had to pick, i picked the not scratched one but isnt all the used games the same?




  1. well,cod4 actually cost like 69,95 bcuz its used its 40 its like that bcuz its a good game and they probably bought it for 30 but since they need money to buy more games they add a little more.  

  2. Buisiness.

  3. no no no....

    used games should be going for about 10-20bucks at the most.


    and it also depends if the game just came out and it's used then that's different, then it might be 30-40 bucks but not more that that for "used" games


    -mytwocents for you

    hope it helps

  4. well its 40 dollars cause its exactly the same as a regular game but might  

    have a scratch or two but not that different

  5. you need to start using game trading sites like so you can stop getting ripped off.

  6. because everyone plas cod 4 and they can still get full price cause everyone has it or wants it

  7. business practises   a  company buys a game  for  20 and sells it for  40  if they sel it for  20 they barley break even they need to  get their  revenue somewhere

    games that  have a high   price tag to start with are  expensive used  as well  since the  secodn hand dealers know the value

    other  reasons why  secodn hand games are expensive is because they are populair  

    final fantasy  6  7  chrono trigger and  breath of fire 2  cost an arm and a leg used  

    or because they  are  rare

    panzer dragoon saga  burning rangers  shining force 3 snatcher  (  sega cd version)   etc

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