
Why does aaron miles bat 9th when he has a .320 batting average?

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Why does aaron miles bat 9th when he has a .320 batting average?




  1. So Pujols has at least the possibility of having more men on base for him.

  2. Because Tony LaRussa wants everyone to notice him. He has the biggest ego in all of pro sports. I think he originally came up with that idea after consuming lots of beer and trying to drive himself home.

  3. like ay caramba said,

    tony la rusa has a guy batting after the pitcher and he's like a leadoff hitter.

    Im not an expert on the cards, but i think he does that cuz he has the 2 and 3 batters with a ton of power

  4. Cause Tony wants as many players on base for Pujols as he can get. 2nd leadoff man.

  5. because he is 2nd leadoff

    Tony Larussa has a system where the pitcher bats 8th so the 9th batter bats as a "2nd leadoff" leading to more runs

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