
Why does acting like a sexist macho a++hole land me 9s and 10s, while being nice ends up with ?

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me being put in the friend/no s*x category. Did women ever start to think that if they have s*x with a++holes and come to nice guys only to cry over a++holes guys would rather be the former than the latter ?

And before you say its the looks or whatever, I looked the same when acting nice.




  1. All I can say is, I am soooo lucky I ended up with an intelligent man. He is a computer programmer and a down to Earth decent guy. I think of what else is out there and I thank my lucky stars.

    Obviously you only think with one thing, maybe if you look for a person similar in temperament with you; you’ll end up with a nice girl. I don’t see how all these generalisations are going to help you; but if it takes you somewhere you need to be…. then so be it.

    Stop asking frivolous questions you think will give you the upper hand on your core beliefs and focus on the things you believe to be lacking in your life.

  2. Women like a man with attitude who can kick a*s!

  3. I really have no idea why some women are like that..

    I guess some people are just self destructive in that way.

    I do know that I've always been attracted to nice guys.

    I like funny, polite, well mannered men, with a good financial head on their shoulders...

    But, that's just me.

    EDIT: Yes, some.. I only know a handful of girls like that.. I'm not going to let anyone put all women into that category because it's not true.. I don't want the "loudest" guy as someone said.. I'm not in Jr. High.. that doesn't impress me.. can you support a family, do you treat your mother well, do you have a good sense of humor and a good work ethic.. those are things I look for.. and I think it is instinctive, I WAS looking for a mate.. I just happen to know what traits makes a sucessful mate and not just another divorce statistic.

  4. You need to find a balance between nice guy and macho guy... This is why, women like men who can take care of them and of their woman. They want men who will defend and fight for them if needed. They may not concisely know that...but subconsciously, that's what they are thinking. Really nice guys come off as push overs or weak...sometimes. So find a balance and you'll be all good.

  5. Believe it or not, women like a strong, assertive male who takes lead and is not afraid to speak his mind.  You can be strong and opinionated without being sexist.  Nice guys are ok if they show a bit of personality to go with the niceness.  If nice becomes boring then the gals will run to the more interesting loud guy.

  6. If your a guy and you only have a bunch girls as only friends its a good thing (in a way). Because you, the "guy friend" knows more from the girl than the boyfriend. I don't why we like a++holes for boyfriends but i think it has to do mating rights kinda like in the animal kingdom. Where the strongest male gets to mate because the female animal wants to ensure that her litter are strong too.

  7. The girls who go for this probably have a machosistic bent and/or other issues such as they could have self-esteem issues/believe they deserve such treatment/are used to it.

    "You and I must understand that women DON'T go deliberately looking for a jerk. Women are not "bad" people at all. Quite the opposite.


    Therefore, they have NO OTHER CHOICE but to go after ANY strong, dominant, untamable male. Or any male who can make her FEEL all those intense, uncontrollable feelings she lives for. The key to understanding women's strange behavior is "they have NO OTHER CHOICE" but to fall for these type of males."    (oh lordy, the hairdo on that guy)

    Admittedly, there is a bit of an attraction for a jerk, but lessons learnt and common sense kicks in and nice, pretty girls do end up with nice, handsome guys.

    Ok, possibly the answer to this question is an instinctual attraction.

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