
Why does afghanistan get the blame for 911 when 15/19 of the alleged hijackers were saudis?

by  |  earlier

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+1 Egyptian, 2 United Arab Emeratites (or whatever the correct word is), and 1 Lebanese

None of them were Afghans!!




  1. because the group that organized it is based in Afghanistan.  

  2. I think the headquarters must have been in Afghanistan.  If you remember, it wasnt the COUNTRY that got the blame at all, it was al quaida.  Also, we rely so much on saudi oil that there was no way the admisistration was about to go attack the saudi's lol. If they took away our oil we'd be screwed.  Its a crappy situation but they have to "ignore" the fact that they were saudis as long as we need that oil from what i've been told.

  3. Did you also realize that several of the hijackers on the list were/are still ALIVE?

    "Conspiracy theory" ? How about ... FACT?

  4. the leadership of the group was in Afghanistan...

    but to discount Saudi's part would be naive...

  5. Goes along with all the other unanswered questions in this situation. Such as are they looking for the billions lost in monies and equipment. And yet they want to vote for McCain and have more of the same.

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