
Why does all the news have to be shown in a liberial point of view?

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Why does all the news have to be shown in a liberial point of view?




  1. Yo, watch Fox News. You'll understand. And by the way not all news is shown in a liberal point of view, Obama has been under fire for scandals for a long time now, and I don't see c**p about McCain being shown. Although I guess you can see thats a liberal point of view because Obama is about a gizallion times more interesting than the old guy McCain. Yes yes he did great things for our country but you can only talk about that for so long until people get bored of you.

    And its a tad nicer on the ears to hear liberal view rather than ALL IMMIGRANTS SHOULD BE BOOTED OUT about a thousand times a day and PRAISE JESUS along with a MUSLIMS SUCK.

  2. You have obviously never seen Fox News.  I think it is interesting that liberals think the news has a conservative bias while the conservatives think the news has a liberal bias.  I guess that means it's just right.  

    Or maybe Stephen Colbert is correct when he says, "The truth has a liberal bias".  You should give a few examples too of what you mean by liberal point of view.

  3. I'd like to know that too, but they will claim that the very existence of Fox News disproves that. hmmmmm, a gazillion to one, doesn't sound very even to me....

  4. It isn't. Have you ever heard of Fox news?

  5. Because most news people are exrtreme left wing zealots. Fox News is the only tv news source that consistantly has a conservative pitch. That's why they are #1 in ratings and number of viewers.

  6. Like he said...because the media typically gives both sides to something, both sides will think the piece is slanted a certain way. It's a no win situation for the news media. It's a classic case of blame the messenger.

    I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that you're a conservative, right? Wow, how did I know...

  7. It doesn't...and it isn't.

    BTW, there is only one I in liberal.

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