
Why does america and its citizens allow illegal aliens to

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be above the law




  1. Alien Being from another Planet. Now where on Earth did you learn this Lie? No one in the World is Above the Law than the Law Man. No one is more above the Law than this Country's along with a few more Countries Governments. Think about what you are saying before you Speak because that would only make you above the Law as well. You are talking about those that Ran the Indians off these Lands many Years ago. Shooting and Killing up a Storm. Author, Eddie Smith

  2. I don't know. It pisses me off. We need stronger boarder control.

    I live in Texas so as you can imagine we're filled with illegals.

    It's to the point where they put Mexican flags right up next to the American flag. It's to the point where I'm being FORCED in school to learn Spanish. It's to the point where every sign, every billboard, every store has Spanish EVERYWHERE. . .

    I'm not racist. I just want people to be legal.

    Enough is enough.

  3. Because, if you pick tomatoes, you can break whatever laws you want.

  4. Do you want to pick tomatoes? I don't want to pick tomatoes.

  5. OK now than we all agree about the tomatoes , America allows it because not only do they pick tomatoes but because America and the rest of the first world countries have a low birth rate , what this produces is few people who would take any kind of jobs and  a lot of people who feel entitle to have a nice easy job , of course there will always be poor who would do any kind of job but they just aren't enough and this is just a fact people should stop to trying to dispute simply because it is just so pointless doing so .

    there is other reason there too which is than America is a country which is very influenced by Christianity therefor many Americans have learned to have christian values and to be forgiving and understanding to those which have less in the world and which live among us . it is a matter of being not only all about judgment to others but of trying to understand the reasons why others do stuff any hypocrite would claim would never do .

  6. Max Weber, a German economist and sociologist explained in his book "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" the reason why countries with a protestant religion develop better than others. One reason is that the moral values of the people are founded on religious principles and beliefs, and it reflects upon the way you behave in life. The main cause of the problem is the "Liberation Theology" of the Roman Catholic Church who is responsible for corrupting and manipulating the politicians in Latin America for their own political and economic power and keeping their people poor. I invite this forum to think about it and not let the media or our politicians to give us bread and circus.

  7. Let me see -Do you want to pick tomatoes? I don't want to pick tomatoes-So if you pick tomatoes then the laws do not apply? So if an illegal drove drunk had a wreak, the police would be incline not to arrest the  said person, even though 4 lay dead ,all because picking of tomatoes, you can do whatever you want ? So tomatoes are what it is ,if you want to break any laws, take a job as a tomato picker and it's all good, so goes advocates for illegals. ->By the way, this is the second time I've seen someone bring up drunk driving regarding illegal immigrants. Do you really think drunk driving is related to immigration? That may be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. First of all, the majority of people that migrate to the country illegally live at the poverty level-And how did they afford about $ 3000-$5000 to be smuggled into the country and how would you suggest they are paying the smugglers back? They don't don't bring them here for free, you do know,they do charge thousands of dollars. A bottle of booze or 12 pack of beer does not cost that much..I guess these poverty stricken didn't get the memo-->>Some illegal immigrants may have found a way to ensure they will never lose their driver's licenses for drunk driving in California – even if they can't read.

    Christian Rodier, office assistant at Special Treatment Education and Prevention Services, or STEPS, in Bakersfield, Calif., told WND he believes repeat drunk driving offenders who are illiterate and who fail to produce proof of citizenship are receiving preferential treatment when they take classes to dismiss DUIs.

    There are some clients who do not provide any Social Security numbers whatsoever," he said. "When a client calls over the phone to have a schedule change, I have to ask him for his birth date and Social Security number. Sometimes there's no Social Security number whatsoever. That's a red flag to me."

    Though some students with drunk driving offenses do not provide proper documentation, he said the clinic allows them to take the course so they can have their driving privileges reinstated.

    "I guess they just enroll them anyway because they're afraid if they don't enroll them, they'll get sued," he said.

    Rodier said the STEPS program is not only for first-time offenders. Often times, people who have had two or three drunk-driving offenses register for the classes.

    "There are some people who have gotten a DUI, taken a course, gotten their license and gotten a DUI and repeated the whole process over again," he said.


    More proof that illegals have more rights than we do... I guess it helps when the companies that hire illegals lobby state legislatures on their behalf.

  8. As far as I know , the aliens are in outer space. Superman , as far as I know follows the law.

    ET just wanted to go home. The Alien devoured people

  9. Thanks for all the information.  I mean, really, it is so much easier to give an informed, helpful answer when you give so many facts, its like you did the work for me.  Its good to see that you don't take a topic like immigration, one that affects all of us, lightly.  I appreciate you really making us all think instead of just making some ridiculous, vague statement that is barely coherent.

    By the way, this is the second time I've seen someone bring up drunk driving regarding illegal immigrants.  Do you really think drunk driving is related to immigration?  That may be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.  First of all, the majority of people that migrate to the country illegally live at the poverty level, they are not the ones you see leaving the clubs at 2AM full of booze.  And here is some news for you Arizona's own Sheriff Joe Arpio has 2 DUI's, yet he calls people who have come to the country illegally criminals (although the crime they have committed is only a misdemeanor).  If he is going to throw that term around he should expect to have it thrown back at him.

  10. why does america and its citizens allow illegal aliens to

    be above the law?

    We don't. My car was crashed into by a drunken illegal injuring my sister, the guy was deported. Justice.

  11. Beats me, I say we get rid of em all before they pollute the population and spanish becomes America's second language.    

  12. The citizens are not allowing, the majority of us are against it. The corrupt government and big business are allowing it because it profits them.

  13. Only the ones that falsely think illegals "only" pick tomatoes when they get here, the rest of us are educated and know they do more jobs than just picking tomatoes and are not above the law.

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