
Why does america care whether or not a Candidate is pro life or pro choice?

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The Pro Life/ Pro choice debate has been used to divided voters for decades and there has been very little done to curb or eliminate abortions. Why is a political non issue such a divisive political issue?




  1. pro life = character,and commitment to a higher moral standard. pro choice is a cheap way out of a one night stand or equivalent, of course you will have to live with the shame of that and eventually answer to the man. Women think this liberates them when it really imprisons them. Should you have been aborted? Or can you make your life count for something?

  2. I think it's just one of many. Everyone has a stance on the abortion question, but what you need to realize is that:

    if a candidate is pro-choice, they are wacky Christian conservatives.

    if a candidate is against terrorism, they are a war monger

    if a candidate is for murdering babies, he is open minded and caring

    if a candidate wants to appease our enemies, he is enlightened.

    if a candidate has ties to terrorists and you raise that question, you are a racist.

    if you are older than 48, you are too old to be president.

    if a candidate's mantra is "change", that means pick a 35-year Washington insider as a running mate, no questions asked.

    if you're an old timer and moderate, yet choose a woman who is a political outsider and whistle blower as your VP, that means you are really Bush in disguise.

    You really need to get a grasp of these subtle nuances if you plan on making a sound decision on who to vote for this November.

  3. some people choose to make it a political issue when it is clearly not. usually the religious fanatics who go around talking about how abortion is murder

  4. Because to be pro-choice is the American way.

    To be anti-choice is anti-American. (Isn't it funny how conservatives claim to be for less govt interferrence except for abortion?)

  5. it shows their value system.

  6. It is only recently that Pro Choice people really worried about the issue because we thought it  was settled by the court in 1973 and for all the noise nothing could be done by politicians. But now there is a 5 4 split on the court and the next president will almost surly  have a chance to appoint a replacement for one of the 5 and if  he in pro life Roe vs Wade will be over turned.  

  7. Those of us who are pro-choice care, because if abortion becomes illegal in the US, many desperate women and girls will be forced to seek abortions in unsafe, unsanitary conditions. In such cases, not only do the fetuses die, but the mothers often do, as well. Those who are anti-choice care, because they are against killing fetuses.

  8. Right. The law is still the same; people who will get abortions will still do it, and those who oppose it won't. Just like alcohol or cigarettes.

  9. I think what it comes down to is that's all certain voters know.  Most people don't take time to understand all the issues, and they get their dose of politics when their pastor or minister tells them how to vote.  

  10. When it comes to protecting children it is a political issue. It is very hard to overturn a supreme court ruling.

    It is a moral issue on whether a candidate thinks it is ok to murder a baby- it says alot about how they feel about life and personal responsibility.  

  11. It seems to be a core belief for most people with really no middle ground for compromise - one is either pro life or pro choice. It's a hot button political issue because the Supreme Court judges are chosen by the president - and they pretty much can decide the issue depending on their own core beliefs.

  12. Because being pro-life speaks very deeply about the very character of the man or woman that we choose to be our president.

    Pro-lifers want a president that regards human life as such a sacred thing that the mere thought of ending it  in the womb  that person finds to be a morally revolting act.

    Yet in the greatest of moral ironies  the pro-lifers want that highly moral and upstanding person to be capable enough to do the most immoral thing in human history by making the decision to kill every living person on this planet twelve times over

    Interesting huh?

  13. It's two fold . . . the first issue is obvious . . . certain groups believe in medical privacy and authority for women and certain groups believe abortion is murder . . .  but the real issue and the one that is often forgotten is the "states rights" issue . . . it usurps the rights of state in favor of Federal mandate . . . that's why gun control, educational mandates regarding religion, and a host of other issues never seem to die down . . . it's about who has the power to govern.

  14. Are you serious??? Do you have any idea what it could mean to have another President that is against a women's right to choose in office???  Who exactly do you think gets to choose justices for the openings in the Supreme Court????  It's already tipped in the favor of conservatives that don't care that young women, rape victims, victims of incest...(the list goes on) will resort to hangers and going to unsafe means to rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies...that usually are nothing but a mass of cells at the time most abortions are performed.  You as a woman (by your avatar) should be very very worried about another strict conservative in office.  They aren't even for the equal work equal pay system.  

    Go watch the movie the Handmaids Tale...see how you feel then.

  15. it's about what the other person believes must be pro-choice because this is a huge issue for most Americans.

  16. i think because it speaks of the canidates personality. right wingers want to know there canidate has to be against such a horrible thing because its against "god". and left wingers want to know that thier canidate will give them the power to choose what they want because church and state are seperate and a persons body is thier own. this is the whole reason we ended up with bush instead of gore way back in '00.

    WHOA!!! the person down there with the list is insane!! ties to terrorist!!! you think with all the national security we have that there is the tiniest possibliity obama is linked to the terrorists? come on. pull your nose out of fox news' ***!!

  17. Take care of "self" first because,what matters about your bankers thoughts or your mechanic thoughts or mail person thoughts...dumb if you think about it.

  18. it says wether or not you have the conscience to kill an inoocent child or not, obama would kill the baby, McCain would save the life of the baby.

  19. You answered your own question. Abortion is very useful to divide voters. The issue is so derisive that it will cause people to vote for someone who they disagree with on many other issues. This is very useful.

  20. It's a huge issue it me!

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