
Why does an Electricity company need to advertise?

by Guest64688  |  earlier

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Isn't it a necessity? I bet there is only 1 company in your area that is allocated to provide electricity to your house/apmt. So why advertise when there is no competition?

For example: Southern California Edison

What are some reasons you can think of?




  1. They do it so you don't dare to support "green energy" companies.

    Or to convince people not to install solar panels and other equipment to generate your own energy.

    Whatever the reason you can be sure they are just thinking about how fill their pockets.

  2. Mostly they advertise to give you the feeling they are a good corporate citizen.  Even though they are a local monopoly without competition, they want you to feel they are looking out for you.  They want to be visible in the community, like sponsoring community events, etc. too.

    Some of these companies are great corporate citizens.  Others aren't.

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