
Why does an average peanut contain 2 nuts?

by Guest33750  |  earlier

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How come theres usually 2... have you ever seen 3?




  1. I am not sure but it could be the same reason  why dogs and cats give multiple births while we give birth to only one baby.

  2. yes but I guess thats the way nature intended it  

  3. I usually get 2, but also a lot with just 1.  

    Yes, it is a unusal to get 3.  

    But I've actually had a few with 4 nuts.  This phenomenum is always paraded around for everyone to admire.

  4. Cuz the shell isn't big enough to hold 3.  haha xox

  5. Because they're twins.

  6. Why does an average dude have two balls?

    To answer your question, i guess it's God's design.

    (actually i have seen some abnormal ones with 3 nuts)

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