
Why does animal have rights?furthermore,what is the reason if animals do not have rights?

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Why does animal have rights?furthermore,what is the reason if animals do not have rights?




  1. Animals have rights because they exist on this planet too. Just because we call them animals doesn't mean they are not equal to us. We are all animals. Humans our simply a species of animals. How would you feel that just because your body was made up in a different way you had no rights and people could just kill you if they wanted? You wouldn't be happy would you?

    Animal cruelty is a crime and you can and will most likley go to jail and pay large fines for doing it.


  2. Rights are granted because it is the "right" thing to do. No being of any species asks to be born. Sentient beings are able to think, compare and make a decision on how it exsists. Unfortunately, some sentients have  control over other sentients creating beings that eliminate "rights" of those under their control. Thus we have, in a supposedly evolved species, instances of extreme cruelty towards others. This has been evidenced throughout history and continues today. Animal rights are granted because although they can't voice their own decisions or in most instances realize they have choices, other than the abused pet who runs away or becomes a fear biter or a pet who does not tolerate contact or any animal who reacts to abuse by defending their selves from more abuse. They live with and suffer from abuse untill death frees them. They are also granted rights ,called protection, because without this, they would become extinct, lessening the balance of nature which is in peril in many areas of the planet. Results of this are in evidence in climate change, more extreme weather, and depletion of resources on which we depend for survival. Too extreme an answer? Prove otherwise. Or the basic word definition of right is the opposite of wrong. If rights are not granted, wrongs are. Can we call ourselves evolved and superior if we do wrongs to beings whose choice does not exsist? Listen to the abused being. They are telling us in no uncertain terms, abuse hurts, it maims, it kills. In one word, it is wrong.    

  3. so people don't go round killing them for the fun of it coz its not fair.

    humans are animals as well so...think about that

  4. some religion (and people) consider that animal have "thought" and is a equal creature like us. So they say that animal have the rights to be treated like us (i don't think so but it 's not good to treat animal like uh "animal")

  5. They don't have /rights/, because that's like saying they have the right to free speech and the right to vote- which they don't and can't have.

    They don't have RIGHTS like humans, like the rights to vote/free speech, but they have welfare acts against them and the 'five freedoms'.

    Rights are the rights to vote, the rights to free speech, the rights to a lawyer- freedoms and welfare acts are different and apply to, and protect, animals.

    I don't know why I'm getting thumbs down for pointing out animals don't have rights. They don't have rights in a human sense- they have welfare acts and five freedoms which help and protect them. I'm not saying ANIMALS HAVE NO RIGHTS KICK THEM TO DEATH. Jesus.

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