
Why does anxiety and panic attacks make me feel pain, like chest pains, dizzy, and such?

by Guest63958  |  earlier

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Why does anxiety and panic attacks make me feel pain, like chest pains, dizzy, and such?




  1. I have had them for years so I know what you mean 0- its very frightening and you can feel as if you're dying even.. However, its just your body reacting, with the "fight or flight" response, which is an inbuilt instinct as explained above. Everything in your body gears up for action and  adrenaline flows which is why you feel all these physical things. I know it sounds trite, but they can't hurt you > Very unpleasant but they do pass.

  2. it's your body's response to the stress. that whole fight or flight thing. back in like cave man days humans experience real danger such as a big animal trying to eat you. now we can get anxiety over the smallest thing. although our world has evolved and changed our mind and body response haven't. when i have panic attacks i feel like running away, that's because my mind is telling my body it's in danger. i hope i explained this well. sorry if it's hard to understand.  

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