
Why does anyone believe Obama will do anything he says, when he has yet to do anything he said he would...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike as Senator. This is a guy who usually declines to vote, even when he does show up. He hasn't done his job as Senator, why does anyone believe he'll keep any of his promises as President? Are Obama supporters really such blind followers?




  1. Obama, unfortunately, does not understand physics and with it reality but he can make nice speeches. It's kind of like watching Star Trek.

    Lawyers and law firms are his top supporters however.  Guess they believe he will tangle the legal business and make them money.

  2. Well, now that the other choice is a 72 year old, cancer prone war monger and a small town beauty queen turned politician... Obama looks better and better!

  3. From a nation that elected and then re-elected the idiot Bush are you really surprised at anybody's actions ?......No offence to yourself if you fall into this category of course.

  4. The Best point of the Day. DOnt forget he votes democratically,  97% of the time.

  5. Fair point.

    FISA, Iraq funding, nationbuilding....

    Pretty unreliable.

  6. i agree

  7. Yes they are.

    They are blindddd with no eyes. But most of them are educated till college though.

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