
Why does anyone bother to live in london when it costs so much?

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i just read that a 6 hour stay in one carpark costs £43.

what is the point? i wouldnt even consider living there, and if i was already there i would be planning to get the h**l out asap




  1. maybe cuz its nice therre [=

  2. would be kind of hard to get out if they drain you of all your money, if you cant get enough money saved up because of prices how can you afford a moving van, gas to travel, down payment on a new house or a security deposit on an apartment?

  3. some people have tons of money so they dont really care what the cost of living there is they just want to be in a nice location other people cant afford to move out because thee cost of living is so high they cant afford a down payment on a new house

  4. USA!!!! woot!


  6. Escaping is more expensive

  7. How much is 43 pounds in US currency?

  8. London used to be the only city in the world that had a population that was going DOWN.

    If it was not for all the illegal immigrants, and some legals from within the EC, this would still be true. They survive on minimum wage jobs and some are starting to leave. Today I can't find a Polish plumber, I guess they've all gone home.

    Given the mess the present government has made over the last 11 years it's no surprise that smart people are moving out. With modern communications it's not necessary to be in the city any more.

    Me. I'm moving to Luxembourg.

    Who fancies joining me ?.

    Ian M

  9. maybe they were born there? JUST MAYBE?

  10. Because this is where my £100,000 job is

  11. rick people live there! but poor people do to, but they have sweet wellfare

  12. probably have a high paying job, likes the excellent Tube system, Same reason people live in New York City

  13. That is obviously one of the more expensive parking areas in the city and will be in the center where parking is scarce. but you can spend £15 in parking areas with security guards for more than 6 hours right next to Waterloo station.

    And what is the point in living in London???

    Where can shall I start???

    London in my mind is the best city in the world.

    Each and every day something happens, sometimes good and sometimes bad but hey that's life.

    There are special events happening nearly everyday giving you something to look forward too at least once a week.

    In Regent's Park and other parks they have free music

    Weather is the hottest in England the majority of the time. With many parks, restaurants, bars and other places that will give you a lovely summers day through late spring, summer and early autumn.

    It is one of the most practical cities making everything accessible with the Underground, Buses, Taxis and near by Airports.

    Ok everything tends to be more expensive eg can of coke - 75p in London and 50p in most others (I no not a great comparison but one that always sticks in my mind)

    But if you work in London then you will be adding an average of £8,000 to your yearly salary if you work in London rather than all other places in England!

    This and much more all equals a great place to live!

    And I am truly privileged to do so! (The Royal Borough Of Chelsea)


  14. I live in North London but am preparing to move out... reluctantly because it is so expensive.  North London is awesome, nice parks, pubs and plenty to do.  If I had a few million spare I'd love to buy a house in Hampstead!

  15. It's hard to get out - the cost of living is so high there is very little left to use for moving expenses x*x

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