
Why does anyone cheat?

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The answers of why, aren't as satisfactory as a person would hope. I asked my husband why? His answers only pissed me off. I asked everyone else why, hoping for something better or something, answers again didn't help or pissed me off. Other answers didn't make sense in my head. Why doesn't a person just end a relationship when their tired or bored or not sure enough to cheat? Why can't you just let go of a pain like that?




  1. Check out the link and you will surely get your answer

  2. People cheat because they think they won't get caught.

  3. Ok, I'll try to explain... These aren't excuses, just some facts I have learned over the years...

    - Every time you fall in love, it's different

    - IF every love is "different", it's possible to love more than one at a time

    - Just because you can't stand to live with someone, doesn't mean you no longer love the look in his/her eyes

    - People get comfortable after a while with one love, they miss the fire of the new love

    - Sometimes people stay together because of kids

    - Sometimes people "settle" for the wrong person, then there stuck

    - Sometimes people hook up in the hopes that the other will change in time.

    I'll add more as I think of them

  4. many times they have quit working at the relationship.

    they feel the grass is greener elsewhere, its easyer not to bother fixing what you have and find something new.

    that and we live in a disposable society.

  5. Everybody has cheated at least once during their marriage.

    I have been married to my husband for 15 yrs and i have had many affairs but its only s*x.

    I'm sure my husband has cheated too.

  6. The same reason for just about every commission of sin or illegal act: SELFISHNESS.

    They want to do it. But they don't want to give up the security of their primary relationship. And, of course, they are the one who matters. So, they do it. Period.

  7. the MAIN reason a man drifts into an affair, or cheating as its called, is s*x. He is not getting enough of what he feels is "something new" at home. Its the newness. If a man is getting all the emotional support at home, as in making him feel like a man, proud, all that stuff that feeds the male ego, ....along with all the s*x, new things, surprises, kinky , or whatever! ...he will not stray. Highly unlikely.

    This is why so many people do not understand that making a marriage work, is WORK. It takes ALOT Of effort on both parties, but i think even more so on the wife, as there is a lot more "support" she needs to provide the "male mind".

    So it can be several things, but they all come down to, these things, one or several, being absent in the home.

    good luck to you

  8. they are looking for self esteem

  9. People that cheat are selfish. They only think of themselves and what they want.  

  10. people cheat.. casue the person of the opposite gendar has just offered s*x...   if the two happen to be horny, they may go through with it....  once they are no longer horny.. they go back to thier everyday lives....  

  11. Cheating is easier. It's like ending a relationship and starting a new one without having to go through everything involved in ending the first one. instead, they just hope the other person never finds out.

  12. Maybe they have kids or share money with them........and it makes it difficult to leave them?

    Or maybe they are just too tired to think straight.

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