
Why does anyone; white or black, listen to Al Sharpton?

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Have people forgotten The Tawana Brawley / Steven Pagonis nightmare where Sharpton was proven completely wrong.....the lawsuit and judgement against him by Mr Pagonis of which Sharpton has not paid one penny because he has no money, his church owns his clothing and all his personal items so he effectively has no property and is immune from litigation.

He has made so many completely false and malicious claims over the years....has he really helped anybody? ever?

I firmly believe MLK would be embarassed by him and would urge people to ignore him completely?




  1. Al Sharpton is entertaining to a BLACK americans and cases like Tawana Brawley make him a sort of hood icon (street cred).  Is he racist yes? Does he do good work yes?  I believe in order to make well rounded decisions about people you can't let soundbites ditate your opinion give him a listen.  If I can listen to te whiny voice of Hillary and the new face racist remarks of David Duke you can take a little Sharpton.  Take it lite

  2. I ignore him completely

    When someone asked about him the other day on here i also told them to me he does not exist he is an idiot who likes attention

  3. Sharpton panders to those who wants to ***** about something that shouldnt worry anyone.  He goes out of his way to get Imus off the air, but hasnt said one d**n thing about how all the rappers in the rap industry glorify misogyny, violence, and the use of racist tirades.  He just now has said something because someone used his own tactics against him.

  4. i have no idea.  the man is a racist.

  5. Al sharpton Al salaam

  6. Kind of like Charlie Brown's teacher.

  7. I absolutely agree that MLK would be embarrassed.  I think Jesse Jackson has also taken MLK's words down the wrong road too.  I don't think he meant for blacks to be treated "special" with affirmative action. All that says is that the Black people are not smart enough to keep up with whites.  It's only holding them back.

    I also do not think MLK would back Obama either!

  8. Nobody  particularly does!

  9. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright are cut from the same cloth.  None has ever taken up for anyone that is not black and will never admit they were wrong.  Anyone that listens to them are as racist as they are.  Racism can be the only excuse.

  10. Who?

  11. I have only tried to listen.   I can't take it, though.  He makes my brain scream.

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