
Why does australia have so many deadly animals?

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Why does australia have so many deadly animals?




  1. What do you mean just because we have 8 of the top 10 deadliest spiders in the world and i think 7 of the top 10 snakes. Oh yeah we crocodiles as well as blue ring octopus and stone fish. Bloody h**l now i thought about it i don't think i'll leave the house for a while.LOL

  2. We don't...what animals are you referring to?

  3. but we don't have tigers, lions, bears, or rhinos etc!

  4. The only deadly animal we have is a crocodile, and many would argue that this is not exactly an animal.

    Deadly spiders, yes; deadly snakes, yes; deadly sharks, yes.  But no deadly animals, although the koalas can get a bit feral if you come too close.

  5. well, why not?

  6. deadly animals?

    we don't have any  

  7. climate and location

  8. Are you referring to snakes?

    Just our climate there was a king brown at work last summer haha

    As other people have said we may have venomous spiders and snakes, but we don't have bears, elephants or tigers etc

    we had a Tasmanian tiger but they are extinct : /

    Koalas can be ferocious and they smell i'd watch out for them more than a snake  

  9. They don't have more deadly animals than other parts of the world, just a different variety. As a previous poster said, they don't have the large predator species common to North and South America or Asia but they do have insects and scorpions that are deadly. So do other countries. There's a lot of desert in Australia and many such species prefer desert conditions. As for the ocean, there is a lot of beachfront in Australia, so more beach activity which makes it seem like there are more attacks there than usual, but I don't believe your premise is true.

  10. Holly and Zazzfan both have good answers.  C

  11. Our animals are actually not nearly as dangerous as the ones in many other countries. We have no large predators (bar crocs) - no bears, big cats, hippos, wolves or anything like any of them. We have poisonous snakes, but so do North and South America, Africa, Asia and I think even the UK (adders?). We don't have any poisonous lizards like the Gila Monster. We have crocodiles, other countries have alligators. We have poisonous spiders (though I've never seen one) and other countries have them too - black widows, trapdoors etc. Every country with a sea front has sharks and Australia has no more than anywhere else.

    You've been sucked in like so many others, by wildlife and nature programs and travel writers that for some crazy reason seem to focus on how dangerous our animals are. If the place was a tenth as bad as they make out, no one could live here without being in constant fear of their life. Instead, 22 million ordinary people live ordinary lives day in day out, in and out of the bush in complete safety without taking any special precautions beyond simple commonsense.

    One other thing that no one ever mentions. If a warm blooded animal of any kind bites you in Australia, it might hurt, but it won't kill you AND, you won't get rabies! Australia is completely rabies free.

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