
Why does bangladesh always lose in cricket?

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  1. it is a small country with less facilities and less money spend on cricket than other cricket playing nations

  2. this is just a wild guess, they aren't good enough to win?

  3. Because they keep sending their soccer team.

  4. they dont have good team

  5. Because the other cricket teams have much better players than Bangladesh.I think to compete with other nations they have to wait at least 50 more years, if they can hang own.

  6. Im a lankan but not racist...

    I think bangladesh is doing pretty bad because they have no experience and no one with experience is ready to help them..

    Look at Mohammad Ashraful....i personally think he's awesome...dude..he created 20-20 history with that shot at the cup.

    All bangladesh needs is time and experience...don't worry they'll do well. And don't be freaked out but im 14.

  7. Don't give up hope, we have a millenia to wait & see it happen.

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