
Why does barack obama use a photoshop birth certificate on his website?

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First, I like to say I do believe he's an American citizen but that doesn't answer my question. Why use a fake birth certificate to prove it? I say it is fake because it is. I can spot a photoshop image a mile away. There is lots of problems with that image. One being it has no creases.




  1. Creases are the result of it being put into an envelope and mailed.  Now if his original was beat up and creased, he probably had one of his lackeys personally walk down to the government office in Honolulu to pick up a nice, pristine copy to scan for the web site, which would mean no creases.  I used to work across the street from the county government building, so I personally picked up one for one of my kids.  No creases, but not fake.

    There's nothing invalid or improper in getting a new copy of a birth certificate, that's why they allow people to get them.

    Wow, with sleuthing abilities like yours, I'll definitely take your word on being able to spot a "fake" from a mile away.  [/sarcasm]

    A birth certficiate NOT is a one-of-a-kind, orignal, never to be reproduced document.  It's an official verification of what the official government records are, just like a vehicle or property title is.  Any subsequent copy, so long as it's printed on official government document paper and is signed and certified by the government agency as a true and accurate representation of the official records, is a valid and legitimate document.

  2. I thought that too! That thing is as phony as a 3 dollar bill.

  3. obama NEVER!

    McCain '08

  4. LOL, just one more mystery of this whole big joke.  Some day a huge camera will drop from the sky and let us know that Obama running for president has been one enormous Candid Camera episode.

  5. Furthermore there is NO SEAL.  To be authentic, there has to be the State seal.  Copies ALSO HAVE THE AUTHORIZED STATE SEAL.

    Obama was truthfully born in Kenya because his mother was too late in her pregnancy to fly to Hawaii.  Soon AFTER his birth, they boarded a plane to Hawaii.  If you research the Hawaiian records of births, you cannot find his birthing information.  Sorry, he was NOT born physically in Hawaii no matter what he or others tell you.

    Also the reason why it took so long to put up the bogus birth certificate on his site, YES I SAID IT, BOGUS!!!

  6. Because as a infant he scribbled, I hate republicans.  ok happy?

  7. ask him !!  if you've been on the website,  there must be a link "CONTACT US"  or "CONTACT INFORMATION"    if he is a public official, he should answer questions from his public !!

  8. That entire website is DUMB. Totally juvenile and poorly presented material.  It should have been done in a much more professional manner to make certain that there were no doubts if there really were questions about any of these silly rumors.

    The most outrageous thing is they say that these things are "smears."

    Yeah?  By whom?

    They're nothing but a bunch of dumb stories running around the internet.


    You LIVE by the internet, you DIE by the internet.

    And THEN, the Obama people proceed to SMEAR the Republicans.

    They just CLAIM that the GOP is the SOURCE of this stuff.


    No, they aren't.

    This is just internet c**p - like the junk that Snopes knocks down all the time.

    The Democrats are the MASTERS  of the SMEAR.

    They should be ASHAMED.

    The entire PURPOSE of that site is to SMEAR the GOP.

  9. Oh sure are an expert are you.......what makes you so?  Please list your credentials because I believe you...NOT....

  10. It is probably just a file image that was sent by the State of Hawaii, you got to think about it, there is no way a birth certificate from 1961 would look that perfect. So it is probably just the computer archived version that is kept on file by the hospital or the state.

  11. Probably to blot out the certificate number, which could be used in identity theft.

  12. that dosent prove its a fake

  13. Why does he have to show his birth certificate? Does McCain??

    As for "no creases" - mine has no creases. My children's birth certificates have no creases (though one has an orange crayon mark).

    I am not an Obama supporter (nor McCain, actually), but don't get why this is a big deal. He has to be a citizen by birth, in order to run. Just what country do you assume he is from? His mother was a US citizen, was she not? So even if he were born in Africa, he'd be a born citizen. And are you asserting that there is no committee who verifies citizenry, on both sides of the aisle? By that I mean, both the Republicans and the Democrats each have committees to verify it. And it wouldn't be slipped into rumors, etc. It would be major news, that would end his run.

    I have my own concerns about the man. His birth certificate just isn't one of them.

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