
Why does beer?

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freeze just curious cause isnt alchohol not suppose to freeze ? lol =)




  1. While the average American is 3-5% alcohol (Budweiser, Miller, etc), most microbrews and imports can go as high 18%.  So, yes it will freeze faster due to its higher water content.  And yes liquor will freeze, it just has to be colder for longer.  I have managed to freeze a bottle of vodka.

  2. it has to have a certain percentage of alcohol to not freeze. Beer is usually only 5 to 6 percent alcohol.

  3. All alcohol freezes even hard liquor, At -170 degrees, Beer freezes in your freezer because it contains a lot more water then alcohol....

  4. i don't's never in the fridge that long.

  5. There's not much alcohol in regular beer.  Totally sucks.  That's why you have to drink so many to catch a buzz.

    Stick with hard liquor kid.  It works a lot faster!

  6. mostly it doesn't have much alcohol in it but ya shouldn't freeze it coz the bottle or can might burst

  7. it has the carbonation in it that helps it to freeze

  8. yeah but beer is only about 3% to 5% alcohol (depending on the brand of beer) so it's not enough to keep the rest of the ingredients in it (water, hops, barly, etc) from freezing
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