
Why does cable television...?

by  |  earlier

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Why does cable television/satellite broadcast the commerical which tells you, that you don't need to get a transmitter if you have cable/satellite? - some of these channels which are only on cable/satellite?




  1. Because they don't want the people to run around scared.

    The same apply to the already on cable channels that warn you about the end of analog T.V. The government make the cable business to transmit it. Something about national security...

  2. There is lots of confusion and they want to reassure you that you don't have to purchase a new TVor digital converter unless you are using an antenna.

    Now the commercials/ads that I have seen state that you don't need to purchase a new RECEIVER (not transmitter) They are opposites

    See the confusion already?

    Anyway, cable/satellite channels are the PERFECT medium to use for these ads as they apply ONLY to these consumers.

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