
Why does cannabis produce THC?

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does anyone actually know or is it a mystery?




  1. Although 'biology instructor' MAY be correct, the truth is that the specific reason for THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) production and many other chemical compounds found in cannabis, is as of yet unknown. Also unknown is why the human brain has THC receptor sites in the first place. To me this is a FAR more interesting question. In addition, various animal studies have shown that animals will not self-administer THC, suggesting that cannabis is NOT addictive.

    The wild "landrace" cannabis strains such as Cannabis Ruderalis contains little or no THC, and are thus generally considered to be useless. It's highly likely that cannabis was selected over time for THC level  (it has been cultivated for thousands of years), and so this THC content was at least to some extent a trait deemed to be useful and so selected by humans as a desired trait.


  2. i would imagine it has a toxic effect on insects,but you would think it would make them overeat.some sort of defense against enemies ...........tom

  3. to get ya high, man

  4. I definetly know for one thing that its not to repell. I have had to get rid of deer, rabbits, moles, groundhogs, and cats that kept eating my plants almost every other day. I've got them mostly protected now though.

  5. Many species of plants produce biologically active ingredients to protect against herbivores that feed on the plants' tissues and organs.  For example the milky juice of milkweeds is very bitter, toxic, and sticky.  An insect feeding on the milkweed can be trapped in the sticky juice, repelled or killed by the chemicals.  THC is most likely a repellent to many insects and grazing animals.

    At least half of all pharmaceuticals drugs have been derived from plants.  There are botanists that collect plants from around the world to be tested for chemicals that may be useful in treating diseases.

  6. Originally It seems to have been related to the difference between the daytime high temperature and the lowest night time temperature.  THe greater the difference the higher the THC content.  It worked as either an insulator or temperature stabilizer.  (This is why, in the old days, pot from the northern slopes of mountainous areas had the best reputation, greater daily temperature range)

    Careful breeding by dedicated people (whom  we can not praise enough)  have made the natural reason secondary.  The increasing THC in plants is due to money.  Higher producers of THC thrive and are helped to reproduce.  The efforts of the lower THC go up in smoke before breeding.  Seed from the best stuff (carefully tested at great personal risk  with a sense of selflessness with occasional accompanying paranoia, that all potheads understand) is kept over for the next planting.  THe sacrifice rests, of course, in not smoking all the stuff up.  (ACtually the seed has little or no THC.  The sacrifice is really in paying enough attention to saving the seed from the good weed and making sure the seed from the weak stuff not be used.)

    Just good agricultural technique.  Same as the increased nicotine in tobacco.

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