
Why does cement take so much time to settle? how can its settling be accelerated?

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Why does cement take so much time to settle? how can its settling be accelerated?




  1. Quick healing cements are available. But the strength of the building is dependent on the proper mix of the cement and also on the curing. Curing is watering the cement surface so that it increases its strength.

    That is why they use curing which takes time.

  2. Yes, normal cement and concrete takes some time to cure or set and attain full strength. But there are other products available in the market today as well as there are diffferent concrete mx proportions for quicker settings and for speciality works. For example hydraulic cement is used for water stopping works that can achieve initial setting in just 45 seconds! There are other products that reduce the cure time drastically.

    Today you can also get in the market ready to use cement that is pourable (no need to use trowels and spend time putting it place and leveling it) specially made to form a long lasting anchor for bolts, rods, heavy equipment and appliances, anything that needs to be fixed permanently in place. Just add water, then pour! It becomes hard as a rock in 15 minutes, in one hour it becomes stronger than ordinary concrete - expands as it sets, is non-cracking, self leveling and long lasting.

  3. By using quick healing cements

  4. cement takes so much time to settle b'coz it is mixed with plasterparies(white powder)which delay its setting time.

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