
Why does children have summer homework when they cut the summer as it is and they want us to enjoy summer?

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please help i hate summer homeword espeacailly reading i wouldnt mind math but reading ugh




  1. Homework over the summer holidays is lame. I got so much in Art I might aswell be in school

  2. I think kids go to school too much as it is.  Schools need to be a bit more innovative and challenging.  Not just the same in and out of classrooms for seven hours a day.  

  3. You don't like to read?  Or is it that you don't read well?

    If you don't read well, if you can't read and comprehend fairly quickly, then you NEED to be reading in the summer!  Your reading skills don't get better unless you read.

    I'm guessing you're in the UK.  Here in the US, schools traditionally have ended the school year at the end of May or first week in June and the kids were off until late August or the first Tuesday in September.  And no homework was assigned.  Teachers were spending several WEEKS of every new school year reviewing what the kids learned LAST year, because the kids hadn't thought about it at all over the summer.  So yeah, your summer homework is a real pain in the @$$, but it keeps you on top of your education and you don't lose as much in the summer.

    Schools here are only now starting to figure out that kids who aren't off for 13 to 15 weeks, and kids who have assignments to complete during their school breaks, learn more and learn it faster during the regular school year.

  4. They do it so that students can keep they're mind fresh. I have a LOT! to do (maybe because I'm going to a top rated school ;P) I have to read 2 books write a 250 word comparison on them, Science and Math work. But Yeah its all just to keep you mind fresh. Also (hint) if you finish it all in like 2-3 weeks then you'll have the rest of the summer free. (A mistake I had to learn the Hard way! >.>)

  5. you must need the extra practice for reading.  never knew that the summer off was for the kids to enjoy.

    i always thought it was for the teachers to have a break from us.

  6. Because the purpose of school is to prepare you for the world and your life in the future.  In your future you will not have summer breaks, the work that they give you for the summer is certainly not unmanageable and there is still time for relaxing.  A lot of skills can be lost during summer break  if they are not practiced.  Sure they could be reviewed at the beginning of the next school year, but then we would constantly be behind in our education.  Now, not meaning this in a rude way, but from reading the wording of your question - I don't think summer reading and writing could be harmful to you, it appears that it is something that you should be getting extra practice on.    It is all about your future and helping you to be the most successful person you can be for the rest of your LIFE, not just for these next few years as a kid.

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