
Why does cilantro taste so bad? Is it me or do other people have this problem?

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Why does cilantro taste so bad? Is it me or do other people have this problem?




  1. I actually love's probably one of my favorite herbs.  I'm sure some people don't like it, but then again some people don't like chocolate.  Maybe you haven't had it in the right dish?

  2. CILANTRO is a love it or hate it herb....there doesn't seem to be a middle ground.

    I hate it too :)

  3. The first time I ever tasted cilantro I hated it.. It smelled like dirty socks.. ROFL> However, after using it in different recipes and cooking it.. I love the taste. But I much prefer it finely chopped than huge pieces of it.

  4. it is ,a bit strong ,

    it could be the dish's you've had ,were just too over done.

    small amounts added to certain foods in preperation,is very delicious, this is why  in mexican food  service it is offered on the side ,so you can add as much as you like ( alot of mexicans dont like it either !) but  just think what some salsas,soups,guacamole,tacos, would taste like without it ??

    dont shrug it off , you probably just had a bad experience with it!!

  5. I do like cilantro a lot.

    But it may taste bad if it's not used properly.

    Or maybe it's your taste buds.

    Some of my friends cannot even stand the sight of it and some others use for everything.

  6. It's not just you. There are lots of people who can't stand it... and others who love it.


  8. Cilantro is like ginger; it tastes awful at first, then you wonder how you ever lived without it.

  9. I found it very "skunky" tasting at first but where I worked used it in many recipes and I grew to appreciate its subtle flavor provided its not over used.

  10. i had the problem with cilantro, green onion, parsley, leak, etc. when i was a kid, coz i feel like i was eating grass!

    but now i really enjoy all the fresh herbs and veggies and wish i had discover the taste earlier!

  11. Cilantro has a very pungent taste and it can take awhile to get used to. It's like olives, some people love them others hate them. When I first tried cilantro years ago I hated it too but now I love it. It's really good in Indian and other ethnic foods.  It's great just chopped into plain rice. Keep trying it; you may come to like it eventually.

  12. Some do & some don't. I suggest that you don't eat it plain or use too much of it in a dish that your using it can be over powering. As for me, I really love them, I often use them in cooking, in salsas, & alot of other dishes the flavor is awesome in authenic ethnic dishes that uses them alot.

  13. Cilantro or Coriander as it is also known as is a herb that has an acquired taste. But when used in dishes especially asian it is a really good flavour enhancer. You can leave it out or try using smaller amounts than what is stated. That way you also may become accustomed to it over time.

  14. Cilantro is one of those herbs that people LOVE or HATE. But even with people who love Cilantro you have to be careful because a little goes a long way.

  15. No I LOVE cilantro! It is so good on almost everything! I guess everyone either loves it or hates it. No middle ground. Kinda like garlic, which I also LOVE!

  16. Normally, I don't like cilantro in Mexican food, however, in salsa it's ok.

    What's really weird is that some Chinese restaurants have a cold pickled cucumber dish that cilantro tastes really good in. And, I love that.

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