
Why does coffee make me tired?

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everytime I drink coffee I get really tired. I could have a full pot before bed and sleep like a baby all night. why does it make me tired instead of alert?




  1. Every time you drink tea, coffee, cocoa,  chocolate, or cola you are giving your body a 'hit' of caffeine. Along with nicotine and alcohol, caffeine is one  of the three most widely used mood -affecting drugs in the world.

    If you have more than two or three caffeine drinks per day Your 'habit' may be affecting you emotionally and physically much more powerfully than you'd expect.  

    Caffeine requires your pancreas to over-work. This is because your pancreas now has to produce extra insulin to reduce this  extra blood sugar. Once the extra insulin has 'mopped up' the extra blood sugar your temporary lift from the caffeine ends.

    Your vitality level is back to normal. However in heavy caffeine users the pancreas, in time, becomes over-sensitive and over-zealous. Now it begins producing too much insulin – it 'mops up' not just the excess blood sugar but the blood sugar you need to feel alert and energetic. The initial effect of this is a let-down effect and a craving for more caffeine to give you a further boost. A later effect can be excessive and chronic tiredness, even on  waking in the morning.

  2. Maybe cause you are using something else to make coffee

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