
Why does conflict happen?

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why does conflict happen?




  1. "Conflict is essential to the development and growth of mankind. Without conflict, internal or external, there can be no growth."--Sun Tzu

  2. Conflict is a necessity of life for us to learn and grow. If man were never in conflict with something (other people, nature, or himself) then I really dont believe that we would be where we are today.  They say necessity is the mother of invention, and this necessity is brought about when a person finds themself at odds with somone, something, or a situation. Interesting cycle, interesting question.

  3. different people with different points of view... both think they're right

  4. im having a conflict with myself now..

    i hate myself for loving a person

    whom liked me at first n ignoring me now..

    what the heckk??!!

    i hate myself so much for i've always being careful with ppls!


  5. Conflict occurs when individuals fail to 'agree to disagree'  Fairly simple concept~

  6. Conflict is brought about by the lack of access to resources.  Quite simply, there often isn't enough to go around, or maybe there is, but it isn't equally distributed.

    Resource here is a vague term, but can be applied to food, money, power, sexual partners, religious freedoms, etc.

    As examples, some have argued that the conflict in the Middle East is due to the growing scarcity of oil.  Likewise, love triangles are conflicts brought about by the lack of access to a sexual partner.

    Even a simple argument with a friend can be about a resource of "who's right?" - if you disagree, then only one person can have access to the "right answer," and so a fight may come about.

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