
Why does congressmen and senators get paid so much. I really think its unconstitutional for them to be paid?

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  1. I know that this will not be a popular answer, but please read it all before you judge the first two sentences.  I think they should be paid more, much more.  And the reason is that if they are already making a lot of money, maybe they wouldn't be so beholden to all of the special interests, and lobbyists that line politicians pockets for votes that favor whatever cause they are paying for.  Maybe if money wasn't a motivating factor AFTER getting elected, they would actually think about what is best for the country, and not what is best for their own bottom line.  Just my opinion, take it or leave it.

  2. I am mad that they do nothing and get paid for it.  If they actually got something done by listening to the people, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

  3. It's nice when your not bound to the same laws as the American people.......... We Should have been a Senators.....

    CoolHand---- Most of Congress is already rich beyond rich, John Kerry is a billionaire through marriage, Hillary and Bill are in the hundreds of millions etc...  How much more to you want them to have? Wouldn't it be easier to ban lobbyists and cap the salary and benefits of the congress. Maybe with a lower pay the common man/woman would have a chance of running this country correctly, and the now congress can go back to their hedge funds, and private business.......

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