
Why does corn work as an alternative fuel as opposed to any food? What does it have that makes it special?

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I am curious of why corn is used to make ethanol, whereas other foods are not. Could someone please explain this to me?




  1. Ethanol is a form of alcohol derived from the distillation of fermented food products. You can make ethanol from grapes barley, dandelions, sugar cane, and corn.

    During world war II, V2 rocket fuel consisted of 150 proof ethanol made from potatoes.

    Corn has a relatively high yeild of ethanol per acre when compared to other crops. Sugar cane does not grow well in our climate. So its a case of economics and geography; ethanol from corn is economically competitive to ethanol derived from other crops.

    As a plus you can use the leftover material, known as distillers grain, to feed the cows.

  2. Back in the late 80's early 90's, some guys in California were making Ethanol from the rotten oranges they got for free from the local orange houses.

    in the summer, they use the summer fruits, that were on not suitable for commercial sales, also free.

    Actually any vegetable or fruit, including potatoes that is high in starch or sugar can be used, depending on what is most readily available.

    Corn is just very plentiful and easily transported.

    And the Government has been paying farmers not to grow corn for years, to keep the price up.

    Go figure.

  3. Actually, any grain can be used.   Corn has a high sugar content, which makes it more desirable for alcohol production.  Y'get more alcohol with a high sugar content.  And alcohol - ethanol in particular - is what they use as motor fuel.  Did you know Indy cars have always been fueled with alcohol?

  4. Corn has a high sugar content, which is why corn syrup has replaced sugar in soft drinks and other sweets.  Ethanol can be made out of many other things, including sugar cane and switchgrass.  The reason that we are using corn for ethanol is political.  The US grows lots of corn, particularly in Iowa which is an important state on the national level.  Congress gives farmers additional subsidies for growing corn for ethanol which makes the farmers happy, and gives our government officials votes, keeping them in office. There is not other good reason to use corn for ethanol.

  5. Corn has high sugar content. Sugar is what is needed to make alcohol.

    Ethanol is alcohol. Alcohol burns. Anything you can make alcohol from could be used for fuel.

  6. corn has ethanol

  7. Corn has lots of sugar that is easily converted ethanol.

    Corn is an easily grown crop and is quite prevalent.

  8. Any crop that will decay / ferment will make it. The type of crop has to do with the area and what grows well there. Sugar cane grows well in wetter areas. Even some grasses grow better in other areas. I just happens that in the Midwest, corn grows well and corn has good fermenting properties. Also we were paying our farmers to not grow for many years because there was to much corn on the market.

  9. You are wrong, other foods are used as an alternative fuel.

    Sugar cane is used in Brazil to make ethanol as it is as prevalent there as corn is here.  Sugar beets are also used.  Biodiesel is made from canola oil, peanuts, sunflowers and mustard seeds.

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