
Why does crying make your nose run?

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Why when you cry your nose gets all runny?

and when you stop crying why is your nose all stopped up?

i don't really care about your opinions on my question.

just wondering why.




  1. The top and bottom lids of each eye have little drainage portals called puncta that lead to the lacrimal ducts which drain tears that are produced to lubricate the eye.  The lacrimal ducts drain tears into the back of the nose up and then down into the throat.  But, if you have an overabundance of tears (which happens when you cry) then there is a large amount of tear flow through the ducts into the back of the nose.  Rather than flowing back and down the throat, a significant amount of these overflow tears flow forward into the nose and then drain out (hence your nose runs)  There ya go.

  2. yagman  "you are the man"  that is what i would have said but you beat me to it

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