
Why does d coke in the usa taste more watery than inthe uk, and d pepsi in the us tastes like dc in the uk.?

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Why does d coke in the usa taste more watery than inthe uk, and d pepsi in the us tastes like dc in the uk.?




  1. Different sweeteners. In the UK some of them aren't allowed on health grounds

  2. There are different formulations for different countries! Shhhhh!


  3. Why are people too stupid to realise that the sweetener in the 'diet' stuff is bad for them?

    Aspartame makes you fatter, it is toxic!!

  4. becuase the companies change recipes accoring to coutries prefferances

  5. The formulation for all countries is the same - where the difference lies is that the concentrated formula is sold, with the dilution of the product being down to the discretion of the licensee.  Different countries have different tastes - for example, in India, they prefer a much sweeter coke, so it is less diluted.

  6. Coke tastes different in most countries, like in South Africa it is sweeter than say in Australia, it depends on the populations preferances. SO if you live in a nation that prefers sweeter drinks, the brains behind coke make it sweeter :) clever people that they are

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