
Why does diet soda and unsweetened chewing gum have aspartame in it?

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Aspartame is a known carcinogen and is found in many unsweetened things, like winterfresh gum and diet soda. Why do they do this and why isn't it illegal?




  1. You cannot imagine the revenue that aspertame creates for the medical system. It is the absolute worse product ever invented. The problems caused by aspertame has just been discovered and many scientist are working on getting it removedbut Don Rumsfeld did a h**l of a job selling it to the FDA (His pals).

  2. It is because it is an inexpensive, non-caloric sweetener and I agree, it should be illegal to use.  I will not buy nor consume any product that has any type of artificial sweetener in it no matter what kind - they are all bad for you and your health and even worse for growing kids and teens.  Consume products made with real sugar - preferably natural cane sugar when at all possible, but do so in moderation.  At least the body recognizes it to be a food substance and can metabolize it.


  3. They say they use a safe "dose".  Manufacturers will also cite studies they have commissioned that show a small dose is perfectly safe.

    Personally I wouldn't buy diet anything, just use moderation when drinking cool drink.

  4. Because there's a huge demand for 'diet' products right now and aspartame is a cheap solution with a taste people can tolerate.

    The funny thing is, these artificial sweeteners mess with your brain's chemistry. You'll begin to associate sweet tastes with low calories - you'll consume more sweet foods and may actually gain weight.

    People shouldn't be drawn to these 'quick fix' snacks that have zero calories. The responsible choice is to choose natural foods that fit into a healthy diet.

    Check out for some articles about why a lower calorie natural beverage may be superior to any diet drink available.

  5. People please listen.  go to this web site,  Aspartame if the considered the most dangerous substance put in food.  It not only causes cancer, but neurological disorders as well.  Stop using it.  The FDA doesn't seem to care about the health and welfare of the people on this, yet they will put a stop on drugs that can potentially help those with cancer.  It's all about money.  It also contains 3 times the calories as regular sugar and will make you fat.  Dr. Douglas explains it all in this web site.  If you can't get the site, simply type in "aspertame" and press search, you will see a box on the right side of your screen wich you can click on.  Listen to FRED, he's right

  6. i agree with memeree,  it is bad and dont use it!!!!...  people dont understand that the F D A  does not care about you.  they want you sick so the doctors can make money, and the whole thing just goes round and round.  also dont use the microwave, that is a killer also!!!

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