
Why does different races exist?

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I thought all of us came from africa? then why did the people who migrated to Europe look like whites while people in China look like chinese etc...




  1. All had to do with adapting to their environments - a type of adaptation/evolution.

    darker skinned people are that way because they had adapted to the intensity of the sun in their part of the world and whiter skin was also due to being in colder climates and not being exposed to the sun as much. This is also true when it comes to hair types, shape of eyes, etc.

  2. Geographical isolation and environmental adaptation from which distinctive traits form, and breeding habits particularly interbreeding through which these and other permeant traits become more taxonomically dominant ultimately forming a new subspecies or race.

  3. i think its because of the areas we live in,  like people in europe are in a colder climate and so the have white skin,,

    people in africa are out in the hot sun all day and so they have been getting darker and darker from that.

    and i dont know really why asians have squinting eys but it might be from working and looking into the sun and squinting and so..

    it all coms down to what climate you were origanal from and your body changes to fit the climate better.

  4. They doesn't exist. There is but one race of humans on the planet; it is us, Homo Sapiens Sapiens or in bastardized Polnish, da humanski race.

    Neat huh? The blackest Ethiopian is your direct cousin; several times removed; I'm OK with this, are you?

  5. We all came from the same couple.... Adam and Eve. Or closer still Noah. If you read the bible about Noah then you'll know. We are actually all the same. If you notice, Indians have the same nose structure as white ppl and a few other races. Chinese has the same small eyes as the japanese and Korean.

    I think they have different skin colour and hair colour and all is due to atmosphere, food and the way of living. It's like the longer ur under the sun, the darker your skin will get. The kind of food changes the structure of the cells and all.

    That's why we usually can tell where a person is from unless the country is very mixed up. I have ppl thinking I look like a Korean although I'm chinese and my was born in Malaysia.

  6. It's because the adaptation of early people to their surroundings. Fair skinned people are found in cold climate area, dark-skinned people are found in hot climate area. They eventually change through evolution.

  7. God loves diversity. He even made every snow flake different. What a boring world this would be if we were all the same. Doc

    ps. whole tower of Babel thing in the word of God

  8. white skin gets dark when it is out in the sun.  Your body produces a protective chemical(melamine) that goes into the skin to stop the suns destructive UV rays from penetrating.  We call it a sun-tan.  You will note that areas that are always covered with clothing do not tan.  They have the clothes protecting them from direct exposure.  

          We do need some sun, for it provides the body with the ability to produce Vitamin D.  The sun tan blocks out alot of the sun, so vitamin D production is regulated.  It is not good for the body to overdose on any vitamin.

        But the body needs some.

       The change in skin color is due to the need for clothes to keep us warm.  The clothes also block out the suns rays(and the vitamin D)   The farther we move away from the equator the angle of direct sunlight gets greater so it is less intense as well(giving colder climates-which in turn mean more clothes.   The more we live inside buildings, the greater the time we are "out of the sun".   The Body still needs the Vitamin D and now is only able to get it from the sun thru the hands and face(which are mostly always exposed.  Melamine production is kept at bay(only unless there is longterm intense daily exposure to the sun(such like farmers, fishermen, and other outdoor people have because they have to be outside all the time(their faces are well tanned) the body's protective mechanism kicking in because of how much sun they get.

        You will note that all the caucasian people at the beach are relatively the same color....or same level of tan.

       Squinty eyes?  Being outside all the glare of the sun.  

         Even those in Africa are different shades of brown.     After the sun, then the diet might come into play.

         As for the Adam/Eve thing as some will fall back to,  nowhere does it say that Adam or Eve were white skinned caucasians.

      Most likely, because it has originated from Jewish religious stories that the skin color would be Isrealii(which is fairly dark)

       The whites did not exist except as  from Germany,France,England, and Scandanavian countries.

        Seafood is rich in vitamin D, so those countries that consume alot of fish(asian countries, Eskimos) would also be supplementing thier Vit D needs that way, maybe to a point that the skin produces enough melamine to keep the suns rays to a minimum.

  9. "Race" is a social concept, without any biological reality for humans. In every single physical trait of which I am aware, expression (like skin color, nose form, hair form blood group, alternate hemoglobin, and so forth) varies independently according to the selective forces that act upon each trait.

    The collection of physical traits that supposedly "define" races, turn out to be derived from the European age of exploration. Those "definitions" turn out to be descriptions of the prevailing physical types in each of the areas of Africa, the Americas and Asia first contacted by Europeans. These descriptions stuck, even though it became obvious that they really did not fit "all" Africans, or "all" Native Americans, etc.

    They were, though convenient means to sort people into "them vs us" groups and convenient to base policies of repression. These "racial classifications" do not even stay the same from one country to the next. In Brazil, "race" is based almost solely according to skin color and one's "race" can change by a day or two more in the sun or out of the sun. (this is based on the experience of Dr. Conrad Kottack at the University of Michigan who has done fieldwork in Brazil).


  10. Races exist due to adaption and time. plus it makes us more interesting, imagine a world full of asians/blacks/whites/Latino eww.

  11. Who said we all came from Africa?

  12. first off there are no 'races" that is all socially constructed. and second they look different  through adaptation. animals evolve the best way for their environment. i could give examples but it would take too long. but as far as skin color white people tend to live in colder climates (notice how people near equator and africa are dark skinned). white skin to absorb vitamin D from sunlight. but that is your answer

  13. Just imagine the world a million years ago but very mixed in its population structure.

    The lighter skinned people near the equator died off due to too much UV .

    The darker skinned people neat the higher latitudes died off due to lack o vitamin D

    And since we tend to procreate with people that look like us we ended up with ethnicity.

    Blacks did not suddenly turn white just because they lived in the north and vice versa.

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