
Why does different types of flour affect the height of the cakes?

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Why does different types of flour affect the height of the cakes?




  1. Renee is right on all accounts, but as a former professional chef and did a bit of baking, different flours handle moisture and absorb it in varying manners so the softer light cake flour is most likely to give you a lighter fluffier cake, than the all pupose flour most people tend to use, and as she said those are the other factors in making a cake with eithe a light or heavier crumb, sometimes a denser cake is better for certain applications, but for a lighter chiffon, sponge or angel food the cake flour hydrates faster and does not make the cake as doughy and heavy as others. Hope this additional info was useful along with Renne's.

  2. Cakes will sink or fall because:

    1. Overbeating – too much air is incorporated into batter.

    2. Underbaking - Oven temperature too low and/or too short a baking time.

    3. Over or under measurement of liquid or under measurement of flour.

    4. Using too small or large of a baking pan.

    5. Moving or jarring cake before sufficiently baked or opening the oven door before cake sets.

    Note: Only open oven door if absolutely needed, one-half to three-quarter's way through baking.

    6. The most common error has to do with the oven temperature. Make sure you have an oven thermometer to test your oven for accuracy.

    7. Depending on the recipe if you fold in egg whites, if not beaten fully or folded in too harshly, the cake could fall.

    8. Even creaming the butter and sugar too much or too little can cause problems.

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