
Why does dorothy keep putting the same shoes on her feet that someone just died in?

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I men in the book she puts the silver slippers on her feet twice once after the witch of the east dies in them and after the other witch melts while wearing one of the shoe. then in the movie she wears the ruby slippers after the wicked witch dies in them. nd in the return to oz she puts on the slippers after the nome king dies in them. Does she have no morals or respect for the dead and besides what if they are cursed or have a fungus after al of the death in they don't she care.




  1. Don't know maybe she has a death fetish or a used shoe fetish because i personally love used shoes they a the most comfortable. But you would think will all of the death and all of the evil feet that had been in them she would just not wear them anymore being the good girl that she is. But if you ever buy shoe from a thrift store how are you sure no one died in them so don't see the difference. pulse i would kill any one male or female who were evil and wearing magic shoes and i would have no problem putting them on my feet.

  2. good question i guess she just have a weird dead feet in she fetish. It would of been great if they put a curse on the slippers.  

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