
Why does every movie, TV show, & person think the Devil is g*y?

by  |  earlier

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just wonderin, cause every time i see a movie, TV show, the devil is g*y, and everyone else who has seen those things say he is g*y and i dont know if its cause its true or thats the only knowledge they have of the devils orientation




  1. No, the only T.V show or movie I've seen where the devil is g*y is "South Park", and as funny as that show is i wouldn't take it seriously. No one I know who believes in the devil thinks he's g*y either.

  2. The only show I've ever seen that the Devil is g*y was "South Park." (He was doing Saddam Hussein.)


  3. Never in my life have I ever seen a movie, show, or any person said that they think the devil is g*y.  I dont know what movie or show you were watching but never in my life have I ever run across that.  Watch the movie constintine, the devil in that movie is no way g*y. Every other movie or show I have ever seen the devil is a hardass and in no way g*y.

  4. peole are just ignorant  and shouldnt judge other people

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