
Why does every one think that Barrak Obama is the anti - chirst?

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What has he done that has caused this. I see nothing in him that the bible talks about. I dont like his views but I dont think he is the anti - christ. Can someone share with me what make them think he is. I am all eyes. I would really like to know if I should be looking harder to see signs of the anti - christ in Obama.




  1. i don't like either choice for president because they both have the same agenda. i'll vote for anyone on ballot but the 2 major partys and there will be another choice on ballott. untill people realize are goverment wants us to fail we will never get anywere. the 2 major things destroying are economy is free trade and are energy polices. we never had complete free trade untill clintons last term year in office and both partys supported it. it took a while for it to have an effect but don't you think its just wonderful take away tarriffs make it more profitable for factorys to go overseas and take are jobs away. and on energy if are country wanted to drill we would be already they don't want to fix are energy policy or they would have already they just put on a stupid show acting like there doing somthing. and alternative fuels is not the answer we can't produce enough alternative fuels to even power 10 percent of this country even if we switched all are crops to fuel. we are now importing corn and soy for gas and diseal from third world countrys that used those crops to feed there people but there goverments rather let there people starve and sell there food supplies to us so we can make fuel. thats somthing that people like algore will never tell you. instead of helping third world countrys develop with technolgy and food to feed there people which would be really cheap if we showed them how we hold them back on purpose because we don't want them to ever become somthing that we can't control. its all part of the nwo. poverty and depending on are goverment for more things is the only way there going to trick us into a nwo because without poverty people wouldn't want to change. yea they won't try to do the nwo overnight they going to do it slowly but its not that far off from happening. obama and both mcain support nwo. h**l bush's dad was first person to ever talk about it in a speech. clinton even talked about it and praised it. obama trys to deny it even though hes admitted it. theres no diffrence from the two major choices for president. israel is nothing but a pawn to take the publics attention away from russia. russia won't listen to the united nations on how they want a 1 world goverment h**l the united nations have support for both are major canadites for president. but both the britsh and china want obama to win they want him to lead us into world war 3 with russia, so a few power hungry people can have control of the whole planet and obama can brain wash us into thinking we are doing somthing for the world that will benefit all mankind. why do you think bush never called congress back in from  recess on are energy problems he wants obama to win election because mccain would have a harder time convencing america to stand up 2 russia.

  2. Well, not everyone thinks he is.  John McCain is playing as the fear mongerer, just like George Bush.  The two are practically the same.  But Christians and anyone else who believes that there could be a Christ (and therefore, an "anti-Christ") will buy this garbage from the McCain camp and spread it like a wildfire.  I think Barack Obama is a classy guy, and he is being discriminated against by John McCain everyday.  But the way he always takes the high road is nice to see.

  3. everyone?? no, a small, radical, minority of evangelical "christians" (and I use that term loosely) are spouting this hog-wash.  Most people see Obama as the well educated, well spoken, classy guy that he is.  If anyone should be considered the anti-christ, I would think it would be G.W.Bush--started a holy war in the middle east, brought America to its financial knees, bred hatred across the world, is the cause of thousands!!! of innocents & soldiers, delayed & reluctantly finally gave aide to disaster victims (because of their race?)   Sounds pretty anti-christ to me.  And, now we have his devout follower, John McCain to try to take his place & continue the holy war for "a hundred years" (McCains words) to continue raping & pillaging the earth ("drill here, drill now")  etc.  Go figure...

  4. George Bush (junior) was the antichrist. Thankfully his term is over and we're all still here.

    I don't see Obama, or McCain as antichrist.

    I would actually vote the republican conservative, if only he wasn't such a g0dd@mn military brat. I hate it when he chants:

    "i will never give up on iraq"

    But I like that Obama spoke of things like, actually "talking to Castro"

    things that too many people are too STUBBORN and too PROUD to to consider , than keeping up this rediculous embargo.

    The US has flexed its muscles way too often within the last 8 years. As I explain in my question

    "How is america viewed around the world ?"

    Why should all foreign policy be about proving that you are the superpower?

    Is a conservative minded president with a more friendly foreign policy too much to ask for ?

  5. It is just people who want to demonize him so they can feel better about their illogical reactive aggressions toward him.

    I personally think that McCain has more signs of one such individual though I would not say that he is even close to what one would call the 'antichrist'.

    You know what is interesting about the 666 thing. Its about 666 and up on your credit score that marks your credit as good. Interesting but nothing I would go out and preach about.  

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