
Why does every other part of the country get global warming except the midwest?

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Nothing inconsistent with global warming? The fact we are having record snowfall is somehow consistent with global warming? Well, I have to admit, they thought of everything didn't they.




  1. I live in the midwest.  It's not been exceptionally cold here this winter.  We had days in early January when the temperature hit over 70, and only a few days when it got down to 5, which is normally the low end of the scale around here.  

    There's been more snowfall than usual, so it's been wet. But nothing inconsistent with 'global warming.'

    Record snowfall  might be considered inconsistent with global warming, by a moron.  But I don't go by them.

  2. Because the midwest actually stops and thinks about what they hear

  3. I thought it was "global cooling" now...oh I get so confused, I wish they would make up their minds.

  4. This so called, "Global-Warming", is a hoax.  But they gave Al Gore A Nobel?  Come were I live in IL. It is ot a hoax!

  5. Watch it, don't mention that phrase in front of conservative republicans, they'll tell you that global warming doesn't exist and that pollution was never a problem.

    stop watching fox news, its corrupt and run by greed.

    Believe me or not, i don't care, this nation is screwed already until we get a new president.

    For those who don't believe:

    100 years from now or more, and i'll be laughing at your grandchildren from my grave as they suffer from global warming

  6. sure it does,you just watch too much Fox to notice

  7. Al's movie hasn't shown here yet.

  8. This is so easy to explain!

    You see, Global Warming is entirely anthropologic, in nature. That means that people cause it, for those that haven't seen the big words used by scientists to explain Global Warming. Therefore, it only occurs where there are the largest concentrations of people.

    Generally, this would be over extremely large liberal-controlled cities in the Northeast, Northwest, California, and only spotted across the South. The Midwest, therefore, does not experience Global Warming, with the exception of Chicago and St. Louis, simply because it is not heavily populated.

    What we need to do to cure Global Warming is force at least half of the liberals out of their homes in the areas of the Northeast, Northwest, and California, making them move to less populated areas in places like Montana, Wyoming, Kansas, Idaho, Nebraska, South Dakota, etc.! This would create a better Global balance in U.S. population and would fix some of the habitual problems faced in the large cities that can not support their populations, thus contributing to Global Warming.

    If we did this, we could also nearly totally eliminate the need for extremely expensive liberal giveaway programs because the large cities would no longer need all of the funds coming from the State and Federal Governments, to give to the folks whom the large liberal cities can not support.

    We could actually stop "Global Warming" and "Federal and State spending", killing two birds with one stone!!!!!!!


    Sorry! I know you guys in Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, etc. are giving me the "thumbs down". I can understand your sentiments! Let the Northeast and California keep their liberals!

    Hey, it was just a theoretical solution, OK?

  9. Because the global warming theory is based on erroneous data.

    The theory is based on NASA data that indicated that the 1990s were the warmest decade in recent history.  However, when the data was later examined it was discovered that there was a calibration error that overstated the temperatures after the 1950s.

    After the error was corrected it was discovered that the warmest period was the 1930's.

  10. The increase in average global temperatures has and will cause all sorts of unusual weather events and mini patterns. "Normal seasonal weather" is caused by stable average temperature, especially near the poles. Check in again in August, and we didn't hear from you when we had warm weather in January and February.

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