
Why does everybody outside the USA want Obama to be president?

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You expect they would be neutral right?

But everywhere I read and all foreign reactions here are pro-Obama..




  1. He's more likely to seek consul with foreign governments on international affairs.  Everyone wants to be consulted on things that effect themselves.

  2. Why neutral? We pay more attention to you than you do to us.

    I can give you one word to explain why many people overseas are pro-Obama: Bush.

  3. Ok, then America should get to pick the heads of state for every p**s ant country on the earth.

    I demand you one worlders and neo-communists to show me where in the Constitution it says the US must get approval from the likes of Chad and Laos before we decide to scratch ourselves.

    Hey, I have a wild idea, the next time liberty is being threatened in the world, maybe the arsenal of democracy should sit it out and let you kill each other.  6% of the world (US) defending 94% (you) seems just a bit unfair, doesn't it?!?!?  

  4. Not everybody wants Obama to be president, but there is no reason not to be neutral. The actions of the USA affect the entire world, and many many people are tired of Bush and the Repulicans in general.

  5. Due to the fact that Bush has given a bad name across the world, everyone wants Obama because he is what the world and america needs.

    What Mccain makes us want to think is that the USA is at war with entire world - which is crazy considering the WMD hoax about Iraq was all made up - if you have seen Farenheit 9/11.

    Mccain wants to spend trillions in Iraq while Obama wants to spend trillions on help saving poverty and better healthcare.


    Frankly, Mccain has a very cold war type aproach and he will make matters with Russia and Iran simply WORSE.

    And you are also forgetting Obama is kicking *** in the polls:


    Obama 50+

    Mccain 42+

  6. Many opinions here are pro-Obama... foreign or not. After 8 years of Bush and his cronies, the idea of even 4 more of the same is a concern to the entire world. Not just the US.

    Those actually near the conflict areas, not sitting thousands of miles from any fear of counter attacks, have a vested interest in working through things by diplomacy rather then attacking countries whose oil they wished to control, using the excuse, 'we were just stopping terrorism from getting to our soil'.

    They know Obama isn't a shoot first, ask questions later sort of man. They consider that a change for the good.  

  7. Because Democrats (like Clinton) tend to be willing to work through diplomatic channels and want to work in partnerships with other countries.  Republicans tend to want it their way or they'll shoot you.

    In general, other developed countries are much more liberal than the US.  You need only to travel to find out.  The world does not think much of GW and his gun toting, war happy policies.

  8. For the same reason we didn't like it when one country invades another country, whether it has anything to do with us or not. That is, most people around the world want peace and stability. They feel that neocons like Bush and McCain is actually a threat to peace and security around the world. What is worse, the US spends more money on their military then every other nation combined, so they have a right to be worried about who becomes president of the US.

    Frankly, to any international observer, Obama comes off as being more rational and levelheaded when it comes to foreign affairs.

  9. People around the world  like Obama because it has been impossible for our natural allies & Trade Partners ( Canada, France, Germany etc) to work with the McCain Bush Administration.  

  10. Americans understand that sometimes, doing the right thing is difficult.  Like removing Saddam Hussein from power was difficult, and the fall-out is great, but in the long run, it was the right thing to do.  Most of America's good policies are based off of the harder right versus the easier wrong.  That is what has made America great, and other countries not as great.  So, Obama comes along with a lot of easy answers that are probably wrong, just like communism was (an easy answer, but wrong).  So, people in other countries have not developed that same winning, American mentality, and see no value in a man who wants to do the right thing versus a man who will give everyone something for nothing.  Most of the world would trade a short term fix for a long term answer.  To answer your question in one word: Ignorance.

  11. Just think if Sen McCain gets into office, and goes into war with Iran.  He will call upon all the U.S. allies to go along with him.  Just like Bush did when the United Nations told him that they would not support any strike at Iraq.  He told them F you, and did it anyway, and the international communities who did not agree with or join him were ridiculed (France for instance).  You may not want to admit it, but the U.S. sets the standard, well it used to anyway.  

  12. The whole concept of "red state" is very unusual outside of the US and Canada.  The idea that Americans are willing to give up liberties for security does not ring well with the rest of the free world.  I lot of people in the world still associate American=Freedom, and that is what they want to see.  The idea that a government only wants to intrude and not help its citizens are not what people think of when they see America.

  13. The United States is a major player in international relations.  What is good for the USA is good for the world.

  14. With d way the US throws its weight around, it will be foolhardy for the world not to show keen interest in who rules that country. Obamas election is the real acid test that the US mean what they have being preaching and doing round the world.In any case Obama is patently qualified to be President.I believe, even more than McCain.Go Obama go!!!

  15. Foreign countries want to have their way with the USA.

    Nothing says, "Do us hard" like putting an inexperienced community organizer like Obama in the White House.

  16. No I would NOT expect then to be neutral, why would they, they never have been and I would think it somewhat important to the world who is running the most powerful nation.

  17. That's because they see he can restore dignity to the country they have always admired until the Republicans took over 7 years ago. It's a sign of things about to turn the corner in the USA.

  18. Because believe it or not but what happens in the US can have a big impact on the rest of the world. Im Australian and i bloody hope he gets president. I don't wanna see any more wars happen because of a trigger happy president. GO OBAMA!

  19. Mainly because they disapprove of George Bush and think McCain will just lead to more of the same.  They have a point and whomever is elected with have a lot of pressure on them.  They will almost need the second term just to see how they did.  

  20. They are used to Americans whom they can work with, they know that McCain is going to push the same tired c**p that Bush has for 8 years and they want diplomacy to create harmony instead of cowboy wars.

  21. Because they are smart enough to realize that what is good for the USA is good for the world. 100 more years of war in Iraq and complete destabilization in the Middle East is not good for the world.

  22. Because the policies of the US dictate the safety security and prosperity of the world and they see Obama as being the one to restore all of that. I saw a news show this weekend with leaders from Europe and they all said unanimously they want Obama to be President. They view him as the embodiment of the two leaders who they feel were the greatest: Martin Luther King Jr, and John F. Kennedy. They feel Obama can restore Integrity to the Office and restore the leadership of the Untied States. All of them said they want and need the United States Leadership, but lately they have not had Leadership form us that they can respect and follow.

  23. Well if you read it, it must be true. I think it's amazing the you have read that EVERYONE in the world wants Obama to be President, That must have been one long article to get everyone's opinion. I would also guess that the sites you are getting your information from have no agenda of their own.

  24. because it is just not this country that dislikes bush and his pals...the whole world has felt the damage that man has done to this they want to see a change for the good and Mcbush would be no different for this country.  It would be like another 4 years of Bush.

  25. A lot of country's are socialist, and want us to suffer just like they do.

    They are to lazy to do anything and want us to do it for them. osama obama will do it for them.

  26. To 'Yoda' above.

    Obama only gained that poll lead immediately after the Democratic Convention.

    After the Republican Convention McCain will be back where he was before Convention season - at least level if not slightly ahead

  27. There are a lot of people inside the USA who want Obama to be president.

    Are you forgetting about us?

  28. Because republicans and conservatives are an anomaly of civilization. As cultures advance they generally get more liberal when they experience economic growth and an educational upswing. Half of this country is different, and that's both fascinating and worrying at the same time. Worrying, because the only times we've seen such things in the past were before terrible conflicts.

  29. Because Bush hasn't considered their opinions at all during his 8 years and they would like to be dealing with someone who will at least listen to what they have to say.  They don't think McCain is that type either but Obama is.  

  30. Because the republicans are who took us as Brits to Iraq. Most people now agree that it was wrong to go to Iraq in the first place but we'd never have gone if we weren't coerced into it by America. And also because it'd be good to have a black president of the usa, a step in the right direction and all that. And because McCain might turn out to be a redneck loony like bush!

  31. In S. Korea, where I live they are overwhelmingly for Obama. I spent the summer  in Sweden and they are worried what McCain's "bomb,bomb,bomb, Iran" would mean to the world.   Most people in other nations are afraid of what another Hawkish American President will do.  The policies of the U.S. do affect other nations, for example, everyone is feeling the pinch of higher energy costs, and the deficit spending of the U.S.  

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